In March 2012, Ashurst and Blake Dawson combined forces to form one global team under the Ashurst brand. We advise corporates, financial institutions and governments, and our core businesses are in corporate, finance, energy, resources and infrastructure.
Global coverage
We have 25 offices in 14 countries as well as associated offices in Jakarta and Jeddah, and a best-friend referral relationship with an Indian law firm. With over 400 partners and 1,700 lawyers in total, we offer the international insight of a global network combined with local market knowledge.
Seamless client service
We provide consistently high quality, commercially relevant legal advice worldwide, and build teams that are specific to our clients' needs, combining specialist legal skills, industry experience and regional know-how. We have a track record of successfully managing large and complex multi-jurisdictional transactions and projects. Our focus is on getting to the heart of your legal needs and delivering practical, commercial solutions.
All content by Ashurst
Banking & finance update - Australia in focus
This white paper looks at recent events affecting Australia’s banking sector. These include the legal risks associated with debt issuance programmes should a European Union member exit the Union, plus reforms to the Privacy Act 1988 in relation to banking and swap developments.