The XVA challenges energy traders face in a complicated and volatile market

Despite being a multitrillion-dollar global industry, energy markets have yet to adopt industry-standard, widely accepted methods for XVA pricing, model analytics and risk management. As the energy sector has recently experienced extreme fluctuations in price and other dynamics due, in part, to Covid-19 pandemic-related and geopolitical effects, in this paper we take a look at some of the challenges energy traders face when seeking to apply XVAs to their derivatives transactions.

Download a copy of this paper for cutting-edge insight into key factors, including:

  • Why applying XVAs in the energy markets is significantly different than traditional asset classes.
  • The nuances of energy markets, including client credit profiles and credit data sparsity.
  • Unique factors, such as physical delivery, weather, seasonality and storage.
  • How volatility and frequent boom-and-bust cycles can mean outsized instability of XVAs.
  • The impact of curve seasonality.
  • How the transition to renewable energy increases data complexity for XVAs.
  • Cloud computing as a key differentiator.