For over a decade, organizations around the world have come to rely on MarkLogic to power their innovative information applications. As the world's experts at integrating data from silos, MarkLogic's operational and transactional Enterprise NoSQL database platform empowers our customers to build next generation applications on a unified, 360-degree view of their data. Headquartered in Silicon Valley, MarkLogic has offices throughout the U.S., Europe, Asia, and Australia. For more information, please visit www.marklogic.com.
All content by MarkLogic
Investment Data Practices Under the Spotlight
This white paper aims to better understand how capital markets firms are using data to generate differentiated insights and empower better and faster decision making in the pursuit of alpha.
MiFID II - Quick Start Guide
This white paper is designed to help organisations get up and running with the major components and related processes for MiFID II. It further explores how your organisation can quickly build a fully integrated regulatory reporting solution to aid compliance.
MiFID II - Solving the Data Challenge
This white paper addresses one of the key regulations the top executives at financial institutions have on their agenda: MiFID II. What are the key data challenges and what technology is needed to solve them? These and many other questions are answered in this paper.