RDU: The SmartStream Reference Data Utility
SmartStream Technologies is a recognized leader in financial transaction management software that enables firms to overcome critical transaction processing issues through increased automation.
SmartStream's industry-leading automated match rates create more proactive, exceptions-based processes that lower the cost per transaction while enabling firms to reduce operational risk, strengthen compliance and controls, and improve customer service.
As a result, more than 1,500 clients — including 75 of the world's top 100 banks, eight of the top 10 asset managers, and eight of the top 10 custodians — rely on SmartStream Transaction Lifecycle Management (TLM®) solutions to deliver greater efficiency to their trading operations.
All content by RDU: The SmartStream Reference Data Utility
SmartStream RDU—More Pertinent Now than Ever
One of the many consequences of the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic is that it has brought to the fore a number of business and operational imperatives for capital markets firms, not least of which is the need to go back to basics and focus on their raisons d’être. After all, as much as buy-side and sell…
Reference Data Utilities: Special Report
This special report focuses on the growing appetite for the use of utilities for managing reference data. The report further includes a virtual roundtable at which various industry experts build a robust case for utility adoption and discuss the best implementation strategies.
The Reference Data Utility Opportunity
This animated video provides insight into the most important ways utilities could deliver value to an organisation. The video further discusses what survey respondents feel is important for a genuine, unified utility.
Utilitizing Reference Data
This white paper discusses how capital markets firms now have the opportunity to move reference data to a utility and take enterprise data management to an industry level.