Equinix, Inc.
Global Data Centers that Protect, Connect and Power the Digital Economy
How can we ensure the vitality of the digital economy? That's what Equinix's founders asked in 1998 when the Web was revolutionizing information-sharing between businesses-and exceeding its capacity for growth.
Their answer was to offer businesses a place to reliably run and grow their operations and securely exchange critical information.
Realizing this vision took perseverance, dedication and commitment. Large-scale data centers were created, offering the highest levels of reliability and security. But even more important, these data centers gave major networks and businesses a place to interconnect. Networks around the world and pioneering Internet content providers began connecting across rooms instead of great distances. Soon, technology service providers, enterprises and financial companies-also needing to connect to multiple networks-joined this thriving community, creating information ecosystems that became more vital with every new customer. As digital media, social media and cloud applications spring up, Equinix enables global and emerging businesses alike to deliver their applications with higher performance and reduced latency through Platform Equinix.
Today, Equinix, Inc. (Nasdaq: EQIX) operates International Business ExchangeTM (IBX®) data centers in 32 markets across 15 countries in the Americas, EMEA, and Asia-Pacific. Yet we remain true to the idea on which we were founded: it is our responsibility to ensure the vitality of an ever-growing, information-driven world. Equinix's mission is to protect, connect and power the digital economy.
All content by Equinix, Inc.
Trading in FX an Equinix Series Part Three: The Equinix FX Ecosystems
This third and final part of the series reviews the growth of the FX trading community inside Equinix data centers and the role it plays in today’s global FX market, looking ahead at how trends may evolve in the future.
Trading in FX an Equinix Series Part Two: Innovations and Trends
This second part looks look at some of the latest innovations and trends in the market and how firms are capitalizing on technology to give themselves and their customers a competitive advantage.
Trading in FX – Series Part One: Current Market Overview, Challenges and Opportunities
The global foreign exchange (FX) market has enjoyed a period of sustained growth in the last ten years, from around $2 trillion average daily turnover in 2004 totoday’s levels of around $5.3 trillion.