HCL Technologies
Demonstrating remarkable growth through the recent economic downturn, HCL Technologies emerged as one of the only eight 21st century listed technology companies in the world to cross $1bn in Net Profit, $5bn in Revenue and $15bn in Market Capitalization.
Quick facts:
• Revenue: US$ 5.7 billion as on 31st December, 2014 (on LTM basis) - - Latest Annual Report
• Geographies: Operating in 31 countries across the Americas,Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa
• Employees:100,240
• Providing holistic, multi-service delivery across industries -financial services, manufacturing, consumer services, public services, and healthcare.
• Delivering measurable business value in enterprise application services, IT infrastructure management, custom application services, engineering and R&D services, and business services
All content by HCL Technologies
Top-Tier US Banks Capital Plans
This white paper highlights the key elements of the banks’ capital plan submissions which were identified as suffering from critical weaknesses. The thirty top tier US banks now involved in this high stakes annual assessment are painfully aware that even a passing grade is insufficient to meet…
DFA Capital Planning Shakes Up Banks’ Infrastructure
In the past four years, the universe of US banks required to submit annualcapital plans supported by company-wide stress tests to the Federal Reserve for assessment has grown from 19 to more than 80. At the same time, the standards prescribed by the Federal Reserve have grown progressively more…
A New Approach to Regulatory Compliance
Since the 2008 ‘financial crisis’, regulators in virtually every jurisdiction have significantly ‘upped the ante’ in terms of levels of disclosure, granularity, trace-ability and frequency of regulatory reporting requirements.