JDX Consulting
JDX is a company specializing in providing low-cost, flexible, alternative resourcing solutions to financial services clients.
The company offers a flexible and low-cost resourcing solution to financial services clients as an alternative to the higher-cost and lower-flexibility option of permanent hires.
Our Mission Statement is to develop an unrivalled professional and technical resource pool to support our clients.
The company is owned and run by ex-market practitioners who understand how both the front and back office operate. The team has built up a resource pool of over 50 people who can be seconded into financial service companies and government bodies to support our clients' on one-off projects.
Our resources are trained and have experience in:
• Dodd Frank and EMIR
• Living Will
• Clearing
• KYC and AML
• Reconciliation and remediation
• ISDA documentation
• Client outreach and on-boarding.
Our emphasis on training combined with the use of our subject matter experts and premises gives our clients a low-cost effective solution for projects
All content by JDX Consulting
KYC, AML, FATCA and client on-boarding - A glossary
This glossary is designed to support back and middle office resources in dealing with know your client (KYC), anti-money laundering (AML), Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act(FATCA) and client on-boarding.