Oracle Financial Services
Oracle Financial Services provides solutions for retail banking, corporate banking, payments, asset management, life insurance, annuities and healthcare payers. With our comprehensive set of integrated digital and data platforms, banks and insurers are empowered to deliver next-generation financial services. We enable customer-centric transformation, support collaborative innovation and drive efficiency. Our data and analytical platforms help financial institutions drive customer insight, integrate risk and finance, fight financial crime, and comply with regulations.
All content by Oracle Financial Services
LDTI VS IFRS 17 - Simpler, But Not Simple
An outline of the critical areas to consider when assessing your plan for IFRS 17 and LDTI.
The Watchlist: Insurance Contract Financial Transparency Moves Into the Spotlight
Read this article on how IFRS 17 can help you to achieve greater alignment across the organization in driving both top- and bottom-line growth. Review the components to be included in a complete solution design to support the new standard, while advancing alignment and transparency.
IFRS 17: A Survival Guide
Compliance with the complex new standard for insurance contracts will require an overhaul of the processes and the IT systems and this Survival Guide will help you successfully navigate the change.
Asia-Pacific banks lag global peers in regulatory change readiness in Asia Risk/Oracle survey
This unique report, developed in association with Oracle, draws on the views of more than 150 banking CFOs, CROs and senior executives in data roles to reveal the state of integrated finance in Asia-Pacific and how forward-looking banks can use data to turn their finance and risk functions…
FRTB readiness - Examining the potential pitfalls ahead
This white paper addresses the key challenges of FRTB implementation and compliance. It further examines the complexity of managing and collecting all the data required to adequately comply with the FRTB rules.
Creating business value: Measuring the return of improved data management
This detailed survey of C-level executives, risk managers and data management professionals highlights the huge value that can be gained from more effective data governance and management.
Data Activate: Your data is an asset. Generate a return.
This white paper provides recommendations and solutions to help enable financial organisations to make better use of the vast data being collected for regulatory purposes. The paper further explains why regulation can now be used as a means to make your business stronger.
Assessing the true value and risks of financial services data warehousing
Financial data warehousing projects foretell lower costs, raised productivity and improved visibility. Rarely mentioned is that they can be the most expensive, lengthy, political and difficult of all IT projects. How can risk be lowered and substantial results produced in the shortest time?
Transform to Grow: The New Face of Banking
Banks have seen tremendous changes occurring in the way they need to serve corporate customers. Key drivers include slow economic growth and the effects of regulatory changes. This white paper looks at the impact that these challenges have on banks and what technology can do to support the new face…
How to use compliance as a competitive advantage in banking
In the coming months and years, the decisions that banks make about investments in systems covering risk, finance and compliance functions will play a central role in the reputation, resilience and profitability of their organisations. This white paper discusses the available options.