Equity Derivatives
80 white papers and resources
Below you will find equity derivative white papers, opinions and analysis reports which consider current issues, thinking and market conditions. If a derivative is an instrument or security whose worth depends on the value of other underlying variables or financial instruments. Then an equity derivatives value is derived from the values of stocks or equity securities.
Complying with climate risk framework standards for streamlined processes
Conscious that climate change affects all sectors of the economy, financial institutions are realising the significant impact this will have on their customers and, ultimately, their own profit margins. In addition, there is a greater appreciation of how their own activities can influence the…
Podcast: Leveraging Real-time Data Feeds For Faster Business Decisions
The markets have been on a very volatile ride in 2022, which makes low-latency data more crucial to the business. This broadcast brought on a veteran data leader from the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), who shared what the key markets challenges are, and how firms can leverage LSEG’s vast…
Mifid II transaction reporting and risk management – The quest for quality
This report is based on a Risk.net survey commissioned by London Stock Exchange Group, which was completed in August 2021. The survey sought the views of firms that have a transaction reporting obligation under the Markets in Financial Instruments Regulation (Mifir)
Case study: avoiding cash drag using equity index futures
Learn how Equity Index futures, from CME Group, can be used to keep a portfolio fully exposed to its benchmark index while allowing cash to remain for operational purposes.
Leveraging data in e-FX trading
In a world where electronic trading has infiltrated virtually every aspect of today’s FX market, having access to data and the means to interpret it are fundamental components of a successful e-FX strategy, writes Daniel Chambers, head of Data & Analytics at BidFX.
Improve time to value. It's high time.
This eBook is based on the 2021 industry research by Acuiti, as well as the FIS Readiness Report. You’ll find plenty of support for a move to AI-powered cloud computing, a modular approach that ensures budgetary control, and the Business Process as a Service (BPaaS) outsourcing of routine, non…
OUTSOURCED TRADING: Competitive Advantage for Growth
Here are the experiences of three fund managers who chose to outsource execution, how they perceive the service, and why they did it.
How AI Builds and Sustains A Competitive Advantage in Banking
This whitepaper helps to explain why, going forward, we’re confident that AI-driven banking solutions will not only continue to be deployed on an increasing scale, they’ll become steadily more powerful, versatile, and woven more tightly into the DNA of the core business. We believe AI will create…
Chartis RiskTech Quadrant Outsourced Trading Solutions, 2021: CF Global Trading
As the buy-side increasingly views the sell-side as ‘algo delivery systems,’ asset managers are increasingly demanding ‘higher-touch’ solutions that address their trading pain points head-on. The coronavirus pandemic and the expanding working from home (WFH) environment have led to growing demand…
Why do BI solutions struggle so much when it comes to market risk analytics?
This white paper addresses the deficits in business intelligence solutions for market risk since many lose performance once faced with non-linear calculations and aggregation of complex financial instruments. It also looks at how to weave together disparate technologies across the bank and…