Hedge Funds
145 white papers and resources
Hedge funds are a managed group of investments. Generally they will undertake a mixture of trading activities and have a wide array of investment strategies and techniques. They will be active in both domestic and international markets. They are in pursuit of the highest return as well as their traditional aim being to reduce risk. Risk Library provides a range of hedge fund white papers on key issues organisation need to consider including positions, markets, expected returns, rate of investment, time-frames, diversity and techniques.
Exclusive keynote speaker and panellist video content from the RiskHedge New York Conference
Hear from Jon Dorfman of Napier Park Global Capital giving the keynote address at the RiskHedge New York conference on July 8th. Jon Dorfman will examine the role of hedge funds in a world in which banks are scaling back their businesses.
Exclusive keynote speaker and panellist video content from the Inaugural RiskHedge New York Conference
Risk and Hedge Funds Review are delighted to provide you with exclusive keynote speaker and panellist video content from the Inaugural RiskHedge New York Conference – the 1st event for leading thinkers of risk and portfolio management with in Hedge Fund and Asset Management industry.
Hedge Funds: Facing new challenges
The global financial markets are on the threshold of a new regulatory era. Technology will undoubtedly underpin hedge funds’ efforts to comply and compete in this changing environment. But is it better to build tailor-made systems in-house or use a third-party provider of off-the-shelf products?
The Free Boundary SABR: Natural Extension to Negative Rates
This white paper describes one such extension of the widely used SABR model. We stress that our solution is more natural and attractive than the shifted SABR. An exact formula is derived for the option prices in the case of zero correlation between the rate and its volatility. For nonzero…
Clearing the Hurdles to Meaningful Trade Reporting
When the new derivatives rules established trade reporting as one of the key goals, regulators assumed that this would unlock the door to market transparency and the ability to monitor systemic risk. While much progress has been made, as trades flow into the trade repositories, it is widely…
OTC IRS Portfolio Optimisation: how trade compression could save funds $mlns before the 2016 European Clearing Mandate strikes
This white paper describes a new approach to trade compression that allows fund managers to reduce the costs of swap clearing by up to 80% by eliminating excess gross notional from their books. The aim is to increase both trading and clearing efficiency in advance of the impending 2016 European…
Enhanced Alpha from Operational Efficiency
Innovative technology is all around us, and hedge funds might well questionits value as a differentiator in today’s highly competitive market. But that does not mean there is nothing to be gained from keeping pace with change – to the contrary, rather than relying on new developments to make…
FCA’s Use of Dealing Commission
On 10th July 2014 the FCA issued Discussion Paper 14/31 on the use of dealing commission regime: “Feedback on our thematic supervisory review and policy debate on the market for research”. This Discussion Paper builds on the Consultation Paper CP 13/17: “Consultation on use of dealingcommission…
Bloomberg Ready to Support Buy-side in Valuation & Collateral Reporting under EMIR
Back in February this year, buy-side institutions and their bank counterparts were required to start reporting derivative trades and positions under EMIR (European Market Infrastructure Regulation). Bloomberg moved quickly to provide its EMIR reporting solution under this first phase and is already…
Seize the Opportunity - The Hedge Fund Start Up Guide.
A lot has changed in the few short years since the economic crisis. Maybe that’s why you’re reading this? But the hedge fund industry hasn’t just transformed, it’s turned completely on its head. But what does this mean for you and your start-up plans? Who are the real deal makers now? And have you…