ADDACTIS Worldwide
ADDACTIS Worldwide, an European leader in consulting services and actuarial software.
ADDACTIS Worldwide addresses the needs of the insurance profession through its innovative strategy and the reliability of its professional software packages.
ADD because we are constantly on a mission to add value to your activity.
ACTIS makes reference to our roots in the actuarial industry and our passion for actionable solutions.
Worldwide because we are committed to international development.
A unique approach in Europe
ADDACTIS Worldwide is the only European - based consultant actuary to provide both expert consulting and software.
As the European Insurance sector is facing the implementation of Solvency 2, clients expect both:
Comprehensive understanding of the directive, its concepts and how to apply it to local conditions.
Software packages that comply with the needs of traceability and productivity of actuarial works.
A proven recipe!
Innovative solutions and expert actuaries are the cornerstones of ADDACTIS Worldwide ongoing success, with over 100 clients in Europe.
All content by ADDACTIS Worldwide
Why are software packages more and more important for actuaries?
Productivity of actuarial work is a constant concern for insurance executives. Actuarial resource and knowledge are scarce and can be expected to remain so. Consequently, the best use of these resources is of the utmost importance for the C-suite.