Aspect Enterprise Solutions
Aspect Enterprise Solutions provides enterprise class market information, trade and decision support tools for energy, metals and commodities professionals. The company delivers near real time position keeping, risk management, market prices and intelligence to users virtually anywhere, anytime. The company's solutions routinely support more than $10Bn of transactions every day. They go live quicker, fit more exactly and deliver greater ROI yet cost far less to implement than first generation offerings.
AES applications include AspectCTRM®, its flagship full-featured commodity trading and risk management enterprise suite for front, middle and back office. Aspect TradeFlo deploys out-of-the box in just a few weeks. AspectDSC is its decision support center for traders offering oil, metals and agricultural market news, prices, futures and analytical tools.
All content by Aspect Enterprise Solutions
The cloud & the importance of physical operations in oil trading. Why today’s trading companies need operational as well as transactional solutions.
Trading oil used to mostly take place in the virtual world. Oil futures werebought and sold on paper only, with relatively few physical oil movements. Download this white paper and discover how the market has changed.
The shale boom: understanding the short & long term implications of shale’s effects on commodity trading
The shale boom has changed the dynamics of the commodities market and trading within it. This white paper provides an in-depth analysis of this boom and the impact for professionals working in this industry.