Conning (www.conning.com) is a leading investment management firm with a long history of serving the insurance industry. Conning supports institutional investors, including pension plans, with investment solutions and asset management offerings, risk modeling software, and industry research. Conning’s risk management software platform provides deeper insights for decision making, regulatory and rating agency compliance, and capital allocation. Founded in 1912, Conning has investment centers in Asia, Europe and North America.
All content by Conning
2020: What Are the Takeaways for US Insurance CROs?
This whitepaper looks at the events and market data of 2020 and discusses the possible takeaways for the risk professional in planning for future economic crises. The use of economic models is considered, as well as the effects on losses and premiums.
Essential Features of A Good Economic Scenario Generator (ESG)
This paper begins by defining an economic scenario generator and then distinguishes between real-world and riskneutral applications. The paper then discusses the key features that we believe make the difference between an adequate ESG and one that is truly powerful in its ability to uncover…