IBM Cloud
The IBM Cloud has been built to help you solve problems and advance opportunities in a world flush with data. Whether it’s data you possess, data outside your firewall, or data that’s coming, the IBM Cloud helps you protect it, move it, integrate it and unlock intelligence from it — giving you what it takes to prevail in a competitive market.
All content by IBM Cloud
A Guide to Assessing Cloud IT Economics
As you implement your cloud strategy, you need to shape your choices with full understanding of the impact on budget, resources, and productivity. In this brief, we walk through the cost- and performance-impacting elements you need to consider in your decision, including some that may surprise you.
Advantages of Leveraging VMware Solutions
This white paper highlights the advantages of leveraging VMware solutions on an IBM Cloud platform. It further explores the benefits of cloud economics and cloud infrastructure, while continuing to use the same tools, resources, and capabilities of current, on-premises VMware deployments.