Moody's helps capital markets and credit risk management professionals worldwide respond to an evolving marketplace with confidence. The company offers unique tools and best practices for measuring and managing risk through expertise and experience in credit analysis, economic research and financial risk management.
All content by Moody's
The changing face of credit portfolio management at banks
Faced with huge increases in capital charges in the coming months, banks will turn to credit portfolio management to support business decisions on origination, capital allocation and risk transfer
Basel IV and the butterfly effect: a lesson in unintended consequences
This white paper delves into the impact of Basel III/Basel IV on the banking industry, explaining the increase in regulatory capital, reduction of free capital and decrease in profitability.
Digital banks: harnessing technology to deliver growth
In this white paper report, chief risk officers and chief technology officers at digital banks discuss their growth goals and key priorities over the next few years. They detail their use of credit risk analytics and talk about the choices they make in building a technology stack that enables them…
Using portfolio management to steer your way through foggy market conditions
Post-pandemic uncertainties, market consolidations, increasingly complex portfolio compositions, margin compressions, new competitors interest rate rises. Portfolio managers are operating in foggy conditions. Sophisticated portfolio analytics help to provide insights into concentration risks at…
Active credit portfolio management: audiocast
In this Risk.net audiocast, Zoi Fletcher speaks to Biagio Giacalone and Alexis Hamar about how active credit portfolio management can be the linchpin of improved risk/reward ratios and how the efficient use of capital drives banks’ overall profitability. The participants were speaking in a personal…
Regulatory Compliance as a Service
This paper outlines the benefits of migrating regulatory compliance and regulatory reporting into the cloud
Operational resilience in the time of COVID-19: SaaS to the rescue
This paper addresses the implications of the coronavirus on banks in terms of regulatory reporting and illustrates how software-as-a-service (SaaS) technology can provide solutions.
Best Practices for SaaS Security
This white paper gives an overview of the security concerns about Software as a Service (SaaS) in the banking and financial services sector and highlights best practices for technology, business culture, governance, and compliance.
Regtech – Enabler of the shift from compliance to performance
This white paper examines the results of a recent Risk.net RegTech survey and explores how banks can get off the compliance treadmill and focus on building their business. It further looks at how RegTech is playing a role in helping them to do just that.
Liquidity risk - Some practical challenges remain, but this is the time to automate & integrate
This white paper explores why banks must integrate the management of liquidity and interest rate risks under ALM, and move toward true risk-adjusted pricing by implementing the technology platforms that support such solutions.