Sophos is a world leader in IT security and control solutions purpose-built for business, education, government organizations and service providers. Our reliably engineered, easy-to-operate products protect over 100 million users in more than 150 countries from viruses, spyware, adware, Trojans, intrusion, spam, policy abuse, and uncontrolled network access.
All content by Sophos
Avoid the information commissioner’s wrath: 10 top tips
There is no 100% in security. Sooner or later an incident will occur and when it does, you want to make sure you have the right procedures, policies and controls to avoid regulatory or audit scrutiny. Read this white paper for ten top tips.
Laws, Regulation and Compliance: Top tips for keeping your data under your control
The challenge of complying with the growing number of changing government, industry and internal regulations designed to protect data is becoming harder and more expensive to manage. This paper outlines the rules, looks at the main threats and outlines solutions.