Commodity Derivatives

76 white papers and resources

Commodity Derivatives

The role of markets in the Energy Transition

Harnessing the “power of markets” is critical to meeting growing energy demand, while reducing pollution in the most efficient manner possible. Gordon Bennett, Managing Director of Utility Markets at ICE examines the impact of the energy transition on various energy uses, and the role of markets to…

The evolution of CTRM systems

Enuit explores the importance of well-linked and fully integrated trading and operational systems to ensure trades that seem solid are not non-viable once operational factors are included into calculations, and posits the key considerations when integrating trading and operational systems.

EDM client case study: Managing SRI-ESG data

This case study reveals how Mirabaud Asset Management is using IHS Markit’s Enterprise Data Management (EDM) platform to establish a strong foundation for the its long-term SRI-ESG (socially-responsible / environmental, social and governance investing) strategy. This includes empowering Mirabaud’s…