Equity Derivatives

79 white papers and resources

Below you will find equity derivative white papers, opinions and analysis reports which consider current issues, thinking and market conditions. If a derivative is an instrument or security whose worth depends on the value of other underlying variables or financial instruments. Then an equity derivatives value is derived from the values of stocks or equity securities.

Rethinking Capital Structure Arbitrage

It is well known that the capital structure arbitrage strategy generated negative Sharpe ratios between 2005-2009. This white paper introduces four new alternative strategies that exploit the information provided by the time-varying price discovery of the equity and credit default swap markets.

Which model for equity derivatives?

Local volatility was, for a long time, seen as being a universal panacea. However, cracks appeared and we have been forced to look elsewhere for a new framework. Philippe Henrotte, co-founder, partner and head of financial theory and research at Ito33, explores the alternatives.

Hybrids: Diversifying by unifying

Volatility is emerging as the norm for markets as analysts debate the interdependence of emerging markets and developed economies. Investors and risk managers who can gauge correlation between multiple asset classes correctly and unify them through hybrid products will find they are best prepared…