Foreign Exchange
76 white papers and resources
The Risk Library provides white papers on current thinking, modelling and best practice in foreign exchange which will show how foreign exchange can be used to your organisation’s best advantage. Foreign exchange is the exchange or conversion of one currency into another currency. The global foreign exchange markets are exponential in size and are trading constantly.
Case study: Rabobank achieving strategic transformation with Murex MX.3
Crises throughout the last decades have led financial institutions to seek, devise and implement solutions to lower the cost of their operations, focus on their core businesses and speed up their go-to-market innovation. This case study identifies how Rabobank’s was able to achieve a strategic…
The landscape ahead for FX options desks: a Murex expert series
FX options desks face an increasingly complex and demanding context. The challenges they confront necessitate automation, digitization, proper risk and lifecycle management and sophisticated, leading analytics. Learn more in a series of expert articles outlining what’s ahead for FX options desks…
Shifting Cybersecurity from Compliance to a Risk Focus
Cyberattacks have grown in frequency and sophistication, with 3,813 data breaches reported in the first half of 2019, which was an increase of 54% over the previous year. And in light of COVID- 19-related changes in workforce structure and an unplanned shift to remote work environments that might…
7 Steps to Performance-Enhancing ERM
Achieving best practices in risk management takes time and involves progressing through various levels. The important thing is that the three lines of defence are aligned around the ultimate objectives and understand their individual roles. There is an inevitable learning curve as management in the…
Integrated Risk Management (IRM) - The confidence to carpe diem
In a world that has changed almost overnight, businesses across the planet have had to adapt just as fast. Companies in all sectors have expedited their digital transformations across customer, supply chain, and internal operations by three to four years. To stay one jump ahead of the competition,…
The importance of enterprise resilience alongside rapid digital transformation
The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated digital and organisational transformation for many companies but, as leaders across industries note, this has also made them more vulnerable to new risks. and ServiceNow explore why further change is needed.
Decrypting crypto: explaining the market from an institutional perspective
A new whitepaper series takes an institutional perspective in examining the multiple dynamics of the cryptocurrency space. In part I explore the increasing range of crypto derivative products that are attracting more capital to the sector and learn how a growing, vested institutional interest in…
Outrunning risk with cloud
Supercharged risks are running circles around banking risk models. Here’s how the cloud can keep you one step ahead.
Building Artificial Intelligence in Credit Risk: A Commercial Lending Perspective
Drawing on recent academic evidence and business insights, this paper provides a contemporary look at what AI and ML adoption could mean for commercial lending and credit risk assessments. It also proposes different approaches to AI and ML adoption tailored to each step of the commercial lending…
The case for trade surveillance in FX and fixed-income markets
A central bank’s role is to provide its nation’s currency with price stability by controlling inflation and achieving steady GDP growth. As part of their mandates, central banks are among the governmental and independent bodies that set foreign exchange and interest rate benchmarks, and supervise…