Private Equity
96 white papers and resources
Risk Library offers private equity white papers and industry reports which provide the latest information and advice on private equity investments. Private Equity investments are usually made by institutional and accredited investors, such as venture capitalists, private equity firms and angel investors. Each will have their own targets or strategies. Generally, they are long-term investors who invest heavily into companies to either provide working capital for expansion, product development, ownership and re-structuring.
Private equity - the SEC, broker-dealer issues and tax in focus
In this private equity update, issues discussed include the SEC increasing its focus on transaction fees and other broker-dealer issues for private fund sponsors. Also, the US President’s budget proposals including changes to carried interest taxation, both of which will impact investors.
Seasonal forecasts: a path to profits?
What value can be placed on accurate storage levels for natural gas analysts and traders? This white paper reviews recent activity and looks at new methods of analysis – which, in turn, can deliver a new competitive advantage and lower risks for investors in this field.
Norway v Russia: Impact of price renegotiations of long-term contracts on gas supply to Europe
In 2012 Russian gas export to Europe dropped. Russia lost market share in Europe to its closest competitor Norway. This year Russia is gaining its market position back. This white paper considers what implications this will have on pricing and the effects for investors in this area.
UAE investment funds regulation: funds industry welcomes changes
The UAE Securities and Commodities Authority (SCA) has made some significant changes to its Investment Funds Regulations (IFR) prior to the 12 month transitional period (during which all fund managers are to apply for approval of their funds for marketing in the UAE) expiring in August 2013.
European venture capital funds: regulation adopted by Council and European Parliament
Under review is how from 22 July 2013, a large group of 'AIFMD exempt' European venture capital managers may elect for 'EuVECA' status of their venture capital funds. By complying with certain requirements they will become entitled to a European marketing passport (and share certain other benefits).
Private equity update: April 2013
This white paper reviews a number of new private equity updates, such as the ‘Patent Box’ regime, the London Stock Exchange's new High Growth Segment and restrictive covenants. The facts and issues of each update are discussed and analysed in detail.
Focus on private equity
This white paper discusses how the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 and the benefits of Internal Revenue Code Section 1202 should be considered by private equity.
High Growth Segment: New market now open
A recent announcement by the London Stock Exchange has ensured that the UK becomes a more attractive listing destination for fast-growing companies. This white paper reviews this announcement and analyses the rules that companies need to adhere to gain trading admission.
Recent Developments in the Russian Securities Market Regulatory Regime
This white paper reviews Law 282-FZ that was recently passed by the Russian State Duma. It introduces important amendments to key laws on the securities market, joint stock companies, banks and banking activity.
Russia Goes Global - Beyond China, South East Asia Beckons Corporate Russia
Russian companies are increasingly finding opportunities to invest in South East Asia, particularly Myanmar, Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia. This white paper reviews the region's attractiveness and the pitfalls that companies need to consider before moving into these markets.