Solvency II

48 white papers and resources

Below you will find Solvency II white papers and industry reports that set out the latest market developments, and what you need to do so your organisation meets the mentioned requirements. Solvency II is an essential review of insurance regulation on solvency within Europe. It sets out to change the capital requirements and risk management standards for the insurance industry. Most European insurers are expected to implement all changes in January 2013 - with an estimated total cost of €2-3Bn over 5 years.

Leveraging data in e-FX trading

In a world where electronic trading has infiltrated virtually every aspect of today’s FX market, having access to data and the means to interpret it are fundamental components of a successful e-FX strategy, writes Daniel Chambers, head of Data & Analytics at BidFX.

The role of markets in the Energy Transition

Harnessing the “power of markets” is critical to meeting growing energy demand, while reducing pollution in the most efficient manner possible. Gordon Bennett, Managing Director of Utility Markets at ICE examines the impact of the energy transition on various energy uses, and the role of markets to…