Asset Liability Management

118 white papers and resources

Risk Library provides a wide range of Asset Liability Management white papers and analyst reports by leading experts. Asset liability management is a method by which banks, other financial services companies and corporations will co-ordinate the management of assets and liabilities to mitigate the risk of mismatches.

Managing Risk From All Angles

In this whitepaper explore the benefits of a holistic approach to balance sheet management and stress testing – and learn why advanced analytics are increasingly key to making profitable strategic decisions. In an uncertain credit market, it’s never been more important to get an overarching view of…

12 key questions LDI managers should be asking

When the Market Flips its Lid, What Does it Mean for LDI? This ebook from Imagine Software explores the impact of 2020 on Liability Driven Investment strategies and identifies the 12 key questions that all LDI managers should be asking. Offering insight, answering key questions and providing…