Risk Management
890 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides a selection of risk management white papers which address key questions which can be used in reducing the dangers for your organisation faces and how to utilise any opportunities which may ensue to their maximum capability. Risk management is the assessment and mitigation of risks which have arisen by changes on a local or global scale. Risk management may involve realising opportunities that have resulted from these changes. Within the context of the Risk Library, risk management has been defined under asset liability management, credit risk, enterprise risk management, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk and settlement risk.
10 Essential Steps to Streamline Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM)
This whitepaper will outline 10 essential steps that organizations can take to build a streamlined TPRM program.
The Operationally Resilient Organization
This whitepaper will give an overview of the critical elements of a financial services operational resiliency program.
Exploring How AI Can Help Address Contract Challenges During the LIBOR Transition
This whitepaper looks at why financial institutions should consider acting now to develop a solution that supports the use of appropriate contract language in preparation for the permanent discontinuation of LIBOR.
The Digitalization of Sell-Side Risk Management
This white paper describes a series of trends in risk management being shaped by the recent wave of volatility, onslaught of regulatory requirements, ever-increasing data, and market structure changes impacting sell-side institutions. Among them, the focus on risk system upgrades and requirements…
Elevating enterprise resiliency practices in a crisis
Patrick Potter, digital risk strategist at RSA, shares insights into how financial institutions – some already heavy with digitalisation – need to elevate their business recovery and resiliency strategies to navigate through the global pandemic and prepare for the ‘next normal’. James Fong, RSA…
The end of the batch process - how streaming technology will change the world of risk
In risk management, the need for speed has never been more pressing than during the current crisis. Batch processing has been deeply embedded in the banking industry for decades now. From processing end of day batch processes in core systems (e.g. calculating interest) to sending data downstream…
Big Data Is Good, But For Liquidity Risk And Regulatory Reporting In The Age Of COVID-19, Small Data Is Better
As financial institutions navigate COVID-19’s devastating economic impacts, managing liquidity risk and maintaining regulatory compliance is more challenging than ever. Organizations seek new technologies that can help them track, trace, and manage their risk and regulatory data and better…
Control risks in regulatory reporting - from data ingestion to submission
Complexities abound no matter where an institution is situated in the global regulatory reporting landscape. These reporting complexities – be they financial, statistical, liquidity, capital and credit, tax, shareholding ownership, trade and transaction – are heightened by the pace of regulatory…
Known Unknowns: Assessing Liquidity In The Age Of COVID-19
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, as governments prepared themselves for worst-case scenarios and financial markets whipsawed from record one-day losses to record one-day gains and back again within a span of just days, there has been one variable keeping the world’s central bankers awake at night …
7 Social Distancing Ideas For Regulatory Reporting In The Cloud
As the pandemic crisis wears on, financial institutions are experiencing significant disruptions from the effects of operating indefinitely with a remote workforce. These disruptions are accelerating their efforts to move their regulatory reporting processes to the cloud. Deliberations center on…