Risk Management
890 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides a selection of risk management white papers which address key questions which can be used in reducing the dangers for your organisation faces and how to utilise any opportunities which may ensue to their maximum capability. Risk management is the assessment and mitigation of risks which have arisen by changes on a local or global scale. Risk management may involve realising opportunities that have resulted from these changes. Within the context of the Risk Library, risk management has been defined under asset liability management, credit risk, enterprise risk management, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk and settlement risk.
Data: the secret of a successful GRC (Governance, Risk and Compliance) strategy
The first steps to regulatory compliance usually come from the dept or business function most affected - the people ordered to comply. This can lead to a disjointed approach to compliance and managing risk. This white paper outlines the components of a GRC strategy and the role of data in it.
Preventing Identity Theft and Achieving Compliance with GLBA & FACTA
This white paper reviews the requirements of GLBA and FACTA (Security Guidelines), which impact a company's information infrastructure and the security means used therein.
Assessing Operational Risks for Basel II Compliance
One of the key new requirements of Basel II is that banks must manage and cover operational risks, including IT threats and employees. This white paper analyses the requirements of Basel II and its influence on a company's IT infrastructure.
Data Intelligence and Governance
Increased transparency of the financial disclosure process requires that all underlying data meet emerging governance, risk and compliance (GRC) requirements. Banks must re-evaluate aspects of their lending strategies and dig into the real data within the various classes of risk.
Managing 21st Century business and Technology Innovation
The payments industry is changing as competitive pressures, regulatory burdens and customer entitlements increase.This paper shows how the IBM System z can be an indispensable asset to financial institutions confronting payments challenges today.
Skechers deploy accounts payable application to achieve process efficiency and compliance
Skechers rolled out an accounts payable solution from an ECM (Enterprise Content Management) vendor to achieve global synchronisation, efficiency and legal compliance, while reducing costs.
Making Enterprise Business Intelligence Work
The business intelligence environment today is fragmented. As a result it is difficult to get a unified view of the entire enterprise, which in turn causes risk. There are discrepancies in the reports/insight derived from the fragmented systems as every system has its own way of interpreting the…
Case Study: Counting the cost of NHS investment - the need for a fixed asset management solution
Foundation Trusts need to improve investment accountability throughout a capital expenditure project. However, these organisations also need to monitor capital expenditure to ensure that accurate forecasts can be made for the capitalisation of assets and the future effects on capital charging.
Exploring an integrative records management approach
This white paper explores an integrative records management approach and how it can lead to enhanced competitiveness, more agility to meet specific customer needs, minimised legal risks, and higher profits.
The Challenges facing today's CEOs - Unlocking the Enterprise of the Future
What will the enterprise of the future look like? To answer that question, IBM spoke with more than 1,000 CEOs from around the world. These conversations, together with the statistical and financial analyses, provide a unique perspective on the future of the enterprise.