707 white papers and resources
Regulation underpins the practices and procedures of every single activity undertaken by the banking and finance communities: from what information needs to be contained in a disclosure document through to what constitutes bribery. Regulation is increasingly in focus, as the world’s governments struggle to bring us all back to financial stability. Below you will find law and regulation white papers that will show you the latest developments and what you need to do so your organisation stays within the law.
FRTB – Taking Stock of Where We Are Today
Financial regulators had been brewing the market risk framework reform for more than two decades and finally came to revised terms in January 2019. Under the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB) regime, larger banks using the internal models approach (IMA) will need to seek IMA approval…
Next steps for model risk management in Southeast Asia
Financial institutions across South‑east Asia face challenges assessing and measuring non-financial risks (NFRs) inherent in their business models, and are therefore concerned about regulatory scrutiny, transparency and the use of models within their businesses. SAS explores how financial…
RiskTech 100 2020 Winner: SAS
Traditionally driven by regulation, financial institutions’ approaches to risk management are becoming increasingly business-focused. Regulation may still drive the initial requirements for risk solutions, but institutions are now seeking to unlock the benefits of data gathered and to share that…
Machine Learning Model Governance
Machine learning (ML) models need governance just like other models, only more so. This is particularly true of ML models designed to improve automatically through experience. Their ability to “learn” not only enables greater accuracy and predictability, but can also greatly increase model risk and…
The LIBOR transition: current challenges on the long road to resolution
The transition away from the London Inter-bank Offered Rate (LIBOR) represents one of the most fundamental changes in the history of capital markets. With a mere 14 months until the publication of LIBOR is due to cease (at the end of 2021), serious questions remain. In this report, Acuiti analyses…
Standard Chartered Bank: Turning Stress Testing From Compliance Tool to Competitive Advantage
Partnering with SAS, Standard Chartered Bank built a robust stress testing platform. It started out as a tool for regulatory compliance and was expanded for assessing the effect of crisis scenarios on its future P&L and balance sheet. The bank has migrated this Scenario-Based Analytics Platform to…
Data and analytics: Better decisions by the numbers
Financial institutions have massive repositories of data about their customers, leading some industry watchers to suggest that these troves of information may be their most valuable raw material, and perhaps their best defence against upstart competitors. But how well are banks and credit unions…
Asia family office investing in the new normal
This in-depth report explores the reasons behind emerging trends in investment management, and explains how solutions can serve family offices with the tools they need to navigate the new and challenging investment landscape.
Sharpening risktech's cutting edge - Maximising value from risktech investment
Compliance continues to take a big bite out of risk team budgets. With competing business priorities, banking CROs are left to pick and choose among the emerging technologies available to make enterprise-level ambitions a reality. This survey report, commissioned by Wolters Kluwer,…
Banking on the Right Side of Recovery Post Covid-19
This IDC InfoBrief explores the fast-evolving dynamics of banking amid the crisis and the role of advanced data and analytics in accelerating digital adoption, augmented by sound risk management practices and intelligent decisioning.