Operational Risk
482 white papers and resources
Below you will find a collection of operational risk white papers by industry leading experts. This information resource looks at key industry issues and practices, which can be used to aid in the decision-making process and help maintain a competitive advantage. Operational risk is the type risk that a company is exposed to from the execution of business functions. It is a wide concept that has rapidly evolved over the years. It includes risk that arises from the break downs of internal procedures, systems and people, plus external events. Fraud risks, legal risks, physical risk and environmental risks also are encompassed in operational risk.
Harvard Business Review: Living in GDPR's World
Harvard Business Review provides a fresh take on GDPR in its new report, “Living in GDPR’s World: How Companies Can Survive and Thrive under a Demanding New Set of Data Privacy Rules.”
Cloud risk management requires a shift to the continuous compliance mindset
This white paper examines how a comprehensive review of a firm’s GRC framework can help deliver enhanced reporting and transparency, increasing the pace of innovation and adoption.
The Compliance Complexity Index 2018 - Meeting the global challenge of evolving corporate compliance
This Compliance Complexity Index gives a detailed understanding of the changing picture for corporate compliance in 84 jurisdictions, as well as across continents and globally. It takes the pulse of a sector that is increasingly at the centre of change, growing at a crucial speed and fundamental…
A balanced and practical approach to CECL
This white paper outlines how institutions can practically address the transition to CECL in a controlled, secure, and scalable environment that stands up to the high degree of scrutiny associated with significant financial statement estimates.
Best Practices for SaaS Security
This white paper gives an overview of the security concerns about Software as a Service (SaaS) in the banking and financial services sector and highlights best practices for technology, business culture, governance, and compliance.
The state of the XVA space - MVA, pre-trade challenges and more
This white paper examines the state of the XVA space. It explores how market participants are grappling with the conceptual and practical challenges of MVA, which XVAs are most important now, and how cloud-based solutions could be beneficial for XVAs.
Empowering the first line of defense with cognitive capabilities and enhanced user experience
This white paper looks at redefining GRC - empowering the first line of defense and delivering business value – with next-gen AI technology. It further explores why financial institutions are turning to AI-powered compliance solutions.
Unfinished Business - Measuring Blockchain’s Financial Services Benefits and Mapping Its Future
This white paper examines the results of a recent survey conducted by WatersTechnology in association with SmartStream. It aimed to assess the industry’s state of readiness around DLTs and to identify the significant challenges to adoption still at hand.
The 5 Top-of-Mind Issues Dominating the LIBOR Transition
With little reason to think the transition to alternative reference rates will be a straightforward process, this white paper addresses the 5 top-of-mind issues dominating the Libor transition.
Banks sailing in uncertain waters
This white paper examines how banking institutions plan their budget and risk evolution. It further explores how they shall be called upon to redefine decision-making processes to govern the development of their business.