IBM Business Analytics
About IBM Watson® Financial Services
IBM is working with organizations across the financial services industry to use IBM Cloud, cognitive, big data, RegTech and blockchain technology to address their business challenges. Watson Financial Services merges the cognitive capabilities of Watson and the expertise of Promontory Financial Group to help risk and compliance professionals make better informed decisions to manage risk and compliance processes. These processes range from regulatory change management to specific compliance processes, such as anti-money laundering, know your customer, conduct surveillance and stress testing.
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To learn more about IBM financial risk and regulatory compliance solutions, visit ibm.com/RegTech and follow us on Twitter @IBMFintech
All content by IBM Business Analytics
Solvency II — Setting higher goals for competitive advantage
This white paper focuses on the practicalities of the internal modeling approach to Solvency II for calculating solvency capital (Pillar 1), providing appropriate governance in the calculation process (Pillar 2) and incorporating the model results into business decisions and stakeholder reporting …
Credit risk management Collateral, covenants and risk review
Credit risk management only begins with the approval of a loan.The ongoing processes of managing collateral, loan covenants, and monitoring the borrower’s financial condition are key to ensuring that the bank is in the best position to minimize its loss, should the borrower encounter issues with…
Toward active management of counterparty credit risk with CVA
Emerging from the credit crisis that began in 2007, many financialinstitutions recognize the need to better manage counterparty credit risk (CCR) and have begun to centralize the quantification, pricing and management of their CCR. This centralization often takes the form of a “CVA Trading Desk”…
Webinar: GRC for better business performance
A dynamic regulatory climate and the increasing cost of governance failures continue to put pressure on banks and other financial institutions to overhaul and improve their overall approach to governance, risk management and compliance. But there continues to be a lack of best practices or…
Convergence, collaboration and culture: The evolution of governance, risk and compliance
Uncertain times and a volatile economic climate have contributed to an expanding focus on corporate governance, risk, and compliance (GRC) across all industries. While some companies have met their risk and compliance challenges head on with insightful business strategies and powerful…
Webinar: Ensuring An Effective Risk Modelling Framework
The recent financial crisis has ensured that effective risk management is the primary focal point for the financial industry. Institutions are increasingly looking at ways to improve their risk management practices to drive better investment decisions across multiple asset classes. Risk and IBM,…
Practical considerations for ORSA modelling
This paper outlines three key areas of the ORSA requirements, for which we observe a need for further improvement to actuarial modelling techniques. The ORSA guidance establishes that an ORSA report should contain analysis that includes:a) A forward looking assessment of risk and solvency levels…
Improved decision-making and business insight using a holistic ALM solution
This white paper outlines a more holistic approach to ALM modeling that captures a detailed view of both the assets and liabilities and the interactions between them in a common framework.
A sophisticated approach to capital modelling
How can you stop seeing regulatory change as an obstacle, and start seeing it as an opportunity? As regulators in the insurance sector increase their focus on risk management, insurers need to respond quickly to put new systems and processes in place.
Webinar - Collateral and counterparty tracking - the practical challenges of the new margin regime for non-cleared trades.
FREE webinar: 'Collateral and counterparty tracking: The practical challenges of the new margin regime for non-cleared trades.'