IBM Business Analytics
About IBM Watson® Financial Services
IBM is working with organizations across the financial services industry to use IBM Cloud, cognitive, big data, RegTech and blockchain technology to address their business challenges. Watson Financial Services merges the cognitive capabilities of Watson and the expertise of Promontory Financial Group to help risk and compliance professionals make better informed decisions to manage risk and compliance processes. These processes range from regulatory change management to specific compliance processes, such as anti-money laundering, know your customer, conduct surveillance and stress testing.
For more information
To learn more about IBM financial risk and regulatory compliance solutions, visit ibm.com/RegTech and follow us on Twitter @IBMFintech
All content by IBM Business Analytics
Margin calling—Is your VaR methodology ready for initial margin on uncleared derivatives?
In response to industry fears of a collateral crunch, regulators have revised the proposed rules on margining for uncleared over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives. The revised “near-final” draft of requirements would be phased in from 2015 to 2019, impacting the largest entities first, with the…
Evolution for efficiency: Active Collateral Management
Through centuries of financial innovation, experimentation, and standardization, dependable collateral has been consistently used to effectively mitigate the credit risk of financial transactions.
The optimization of everything: OTC derivatives, counterparty credit risk and funding
The global financial crisis has created much excitement over counterparty credit risk (CCR) and, in recognition of this, banks have been improving their practices around CCR. Download this white paper to find out more.