Foreign Exchange
76 white papers and resources
The Risk Library provides white papers on current thinking, modelling and best practice in foreign exchange which will show how foreign exchange can be used to your organisation’s best advantage. Foreign exchange is the exchange or conversion of one currency into another currency. The global foreign exchange markets are exponential in size and are trading constantly.
Integrating ECL onto a stress testing platform: portfolio composition
This white paper produced by FRG addresses how to grow a portfolio that is internally consistent with a stress scenario. Download this white paper to learn more about several factors financial institutions must consider when integrating the expected credit loss (ECL) process onto a stress test…
Decrypting crypto: understanding the requirements for successful institutional participation
Part 2 of this new white paper series continues to explore the adoption of cryptocurrencies within institutional markets. Experts discuss the biggest barriers to entry for institutions that want to operate in this space, and the infrastructure requirements and risk management tools needed to…
ESG strategies special report
This special report sponsored by SAS features a series of articles that reflect on the latest initiatives for consistent standardised global frameworks for measuring ESG, consider the methodologies investors are using to make measurable progress for people and the planet, and discuss some…
Integrating ECL into stress testing platform: credit risk characteristics
This Financial Risk Group white paper, authored by Jonathan Leonardelli, director of business analytics, examines how credit loss in the expected credit loss process can leverage changes in the credit risk profile of a portfolio during a stress scenario.
Integrating ECL Onto A Stress Testing Platform: Scenarios
This white paper examines technological and methodological strategies to help to produce stress testing expected credit loss values that comply with IFRS 9 as well as CECL Standards for your financial institution.
Reading Between the Fines: A Deep Dive into Financial Institution Penalties in 2022
Fenergo’s latest research report on financial institution penalties in 2022 is available now. Key analysis shows that fine values in the Asia-Pacific region were just 0.77% of what they were in 2021. Read the report to find out about the biggest actions from the past year, key trends driving…
Complying with climate risk framework standards for streamlined processes
Conscious that climate change affects all sectors of the economy, financial institutions are realising the significant impact this will have on their customers and, ultimately, their own profit margins. In addition, there is a greater appreciation of how their own activities can influence the…
Podcast: Leveraging Real-time Data Feeds For Faster Business Decisions
The markets have been on a very volatile ride in 2022, which makes low-latency data more crucial to the business. This broadcast brought on a veteran data leader from the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), who shared what the key markets challenges are, and how firms can leverage LSEG’s vast…
Key actuarial transformation trends across Apac in 2022
Digital transformation has resulted in growing market complexity. This has been heightened by both the introduction of more regulations for insurers and consumer demand for customised insurance coverage. This report reveals the perceptions that actuaries have towards actuarial transformation and…
FX needs for Apac corporates in 2022
This white paper examines the results of a survey, conducted in association with Bloomberg, that offers insight into how corporations based in the Asia-Pacific region interact with the FX market. The research conducted within the context of this paper sought to gauge the extent to which these…