Foreign Exchange

76 white papers and resources

The Risk Library provides white papers on current thinking, modelling and best practice in foreign exchange which will show how foreign exchange can be used to your organisation’s best advantage. Foreign exchange is the exchange or conversion of one currency into another currency. The global foreign exchange markets are exponential in size and are trading constantly.

ESG strategies special report

This special report sponsored by SAS features a series of articles that reflect on the latest initiatives for consistent standardised global frameworks for measuring ESG, consider the methodologies investors are using to make measurable progress for people and the planet, and discuss some…

FX needs for Apac corporates in 2022

This white paper examines the results of a survey, conducted in association with Bloomberg, that offers insight into how corporations based in the Asia-Pacific region interact with the FX market. The research conducted within the context of this paper sought to gauge the extent to which these…