Foreign Exchange
76 white papers and resources
The Risk Library provides white papers on current thinking, modelling and best practice in foreign exchange which will show how foreign exchange can be used to your organisation’s best advantage. Foreign exchange is the exchange or conversion of one currency into another currency. The global foreign exchange markets are exponential in size and are trading constantly.
CES China 120 Futures - A Useful Offshore Hedging Tool For Cross-Border Investment
This white paper explores the tools needed to support cross-border stock investment in Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. The paper further provides a convenient and cost efficient offshore market tool for Mutual Market investment.
Prime-of-prime solutions – Sustainable solutions and evaluating means of access to credit in foreign exchange markets
Based on a survey of global FX market participants, this white paper explores the preferences, needs and attitudes clients and the broader FX market have in relation to tiered credit intermediation.
A Fresh Perspective: Enhancing Transaction Cost Analysis Effectiveness
Having examined existing trends and attitudes to transaction cost analysis, this white paper describes how organisations can build upon current their use of this analytical tool in order to improve the investment process.
Weekly Market Outlook: Commodity rally stalls
This white paper provides analysis for major and emerging market currencies. The paper explores the future trends of the financial industry and discusses the recent outlook on commodity prices.
Weekly Market Outlook: Fed’s dovish decision triggers risk rally
This white paper provides analysis for major and emerging market currencies. The paper explores the future trends of the financial industry and discusses the recent risk rally in equities and commodities.
Weekly Market Outlook: ECB Goes All In
This white paper provides analysis for major and emerging market currencies. Exploring the future trends of the financial industry. Discussing issues such as the action ECB took on interest rates.
Weekly Market Outlook: All eyes on ECB
This white paper provides analysis for major and emerging market currencies. Exploring the future trends of the financial industry. Discovering issues such as ECB action and the Chinese GDP target.
Weekly Market Outlook: FX market exposed to event risk.
This white paper provides analysis for major and emerging market currencies. Exploring the future trends of the financial industry.
China’s Quest to Global Currency Recognition
This white paper explores the reasons behind the IMF’S decision to include the Chinese yuan into its Special Drawing Rights; the global implications of the inclusion; and what the markets can expect from China in 2016.
Greek Crisis 2015: Stress Testing Scenarios for Asset Management Portfolios
In this paper, we explore the history of the latest Greek crisis, review approaches taken by market practitioners to stress testing, and outline potential scenarios that portfolio managers may wish to examine.