112 white papers and resources
Below you will find a selection of commodities white papers covering the current issues and thinking by leading expert opinions and what to look out for in the future. Commodities are marketable goods such as raw materials or agricultural products that can be bought or sold on an open market. These commodities are usually used in the initial stages of the production process to create other goods or services. The sale and purchase of commodities are based on speculation, meaning economic and environmental factors play a key part in the purchasing and sale of commodities.
Getting to a New Transparency in Netback
Internal and external pressures are causing chief financial officers, chief operating officers and other executives at oil and gas explorationand production(E&P) companies to spotlight the way they are calculating netback pricing and royalties to the owners of the energy sources.
Risk Books: High-Frequency Trading Extract
This is the survival guide for trading in a world where high-frequency trading predominates in markets, accounting for upwards of 60% of trading in equities and futures, and 40% in foreign exchange.
An introduction to the survival guide to commodity investing and trading
Stinson Gibner brings two decades’ worth of experience to Commodity Investing and Trading and discusses all aspects of the commodity markets, from fundamentals to how best to invest and trade in them.
The cloud & the importance of physical operations in oil trading. Why today’s trading companies need operational as well as transactional solutions.
Trading oil used to mostly take place in the virtual world. Oil futures werebought and sold on paper only, with relatively few physical oil movements. Download this white paper and discover how the market has changed.
Principles for Designing Agile Trading Platforms
Today’s trading operations face the challenge of maintaining software platforms that supports a constantly evolving business. To keep up with the pace of change, these organisations are demanding more and more of their trading platforms.
The shale boom: understanding the short & long term implications of shale’s effects on commodity trading
The shale boom has changed the dynamics of the commodities market and trading within it. This white paper provides an in-depth analysis of this boom and the impact for professionals working in this industry.
Green REITs, MLPs and Up-Cs
Tax-efficient capital vehicles for unregulated utility investments are considered in this white paper. In focus are real estate investment trusts, master limited partnerships and umbrella partnership C corporations.
Seasonal forecasts: a path to profits?
What value can be placed on accurate storage levels for natural gas analysts and traders? This white paper reviews recent activity and looks at new methods of analysis – which, in turn, can deliver a new competitive advantage and lower risks for investors in this field.
Norway v Russia: Impact of price renegotiations of long-term contracts on gas supply to Europe
In 2012 Russian gas export to Europe dropped. Russia lost market share in Europe to its closest competitor Norway. This year Russia is gaining its market position back. This white paper considers what implications this will have on pricing and the effects for investors in this area.
Islamic asset finance
Under review is how conventional secured lending and leasing structure for an asset can be developed into a Shari'a compliant product, thereby providing asset leasing companies and operators with the opportunity to meet their financing needs by accessing the liquidity of the Islamic finance market.