Credit Derivatives
109 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a number of Credit Derivative white papers, analyst reports and legal briefings.
Integrating ECL into stress testing platform: credit risk characteristics
This Financial Risk Group white paper, authored by Jonathan Leonardelli, director of business analytics, examines how credit loss in the expected credit loss process can leverage changes in the credit risk profile of a portfolio during a stress scenario.
Integrating ECL Onto A Stress Testing Platform: Scenarios
This white paper examines technological and methodological strategies to help to produce stress testing expected credit loss values that comply with IFRS 9 as well as CECL Standards for your financial institution.
Reading Between the Fines: A Deep Dive into Financial Institution Penalties in 2022
Fenergo’s latest research report on financial institution penalties in 2022 is available now. Key analysis shows that fine values in the Asia-Pacific region were just 0.77% of what they were in 2021. Read the report to find out about the biggest actions from the past year, key trends driving…
Complying with climate risk framework standards for streamlined processes
Conscious that climate change affects all sectors of the economy, financial institutions are realising the significant impact this will have on their customers and, ultimately, their own profit margins. In addition, there is a greater appreciation of how their own activities can influence the…
Credit risk, data and AI: managing spiralling demands and delivering value
Based on a comprehensive survey of, and conversations with, credit risk professionals globally, this report delves into their challenges they face in trying to source and use forward-looking data.
Podcast: Leveraging Real-time Data Feeds For Faster Business Decisions
The markets have been on a very volatile ride in 2022, which makes low-latency data more crucial to the business. This broadcast brought on a veteran data leader from the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG), who shared what the key markets challenges are, and how firms can leverage LSEG’s vast…
Decision science: From automation to optimisation
Despite its benefits, credit decisioning is severely lagging – average ‘time to decision’ for small business and corporate lending at traditional banks is between three and five weeks, while average ‘time to cash’ is nearly three months. Are such long lead times efficient and responsive in today’s…
Leading Mexican bank Banorte strengthens credit risk management practices
Leading Mexican bank Banorte strengthens credit risk management practices building a completely new XVA desk and revamps its PFE limits management. This leading Mexican bank now utilises and benefits from the Murex solution in its risk and front-office teams.
Using portfolio management to steer your way through foggy market conditions
Post-pandemic uncertainties, market consolidations, increasingly complex portfolio compositions, margin compressions, new competitors interest rate rises. Portfolio managers are operating in foggy conditions. Sophisticated portfolio analytics help to provide insights into concentration risks at…
Active credit portfolio management: audiocast
In this audiocast, Zoi Fletcher speaks to Biagio Giacalone and Alexis Hamar about how active credit portfolio management can be the linchpin of improved risk/reward ratios and how the efficient use of capital drives banks’ overall profitability. The participants were speaking in a personal…