Credit Derivatives
109 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a number of Credit Derivative white papers, analyst reports and legal briefings.
The Free Boundary SABR: Natural Extension to Negative Rates
This white paper describes one such extension of the widely used SABR model. We stress that our solution is more natural and attractive than the shifted SABR. An exact formula is derived for the option prices in the case of zero correlation between the rate and its volatility. For nonzero…
Clearing the Hurdles to Meaningful Trade Reporting
When the new derivatives rules established trade reporting as one of the key goals, regulators assumed that this would unlock the door to market transparency and the ability to monitor systemic risk. While much progress has been made, as trades flow into the trade repositories, it is widely…
Emerging initial margin requirements
Ongoing market uncertainty over the new and evolving margin regime for non-cleared over-the-counter derivatives has drawn many questions from firms, with too few reliable answers. This global survey – conducted by Risk and sponsored by IBM – is one of the first,comprehensive attempts to shed some…
Operational challenges facing investment managers in 2015
In this white paper, we discuss the industry challenges uncovered by this research, including: The heavy impact of regulation on investment managers– Managing regulatory reporting and compliance is taking up considerable time and effort. As a result, less time is available to innovate and respond…
Selecting the right cybercrime-prevention solution
This white paper discusses key considerations and best practices to help organizations achieve effective and sustainable cybercrime prevention.
Trading in FX an Equinix Series Part Three: The Equinix FX Ecosystems
This third and final part of the series reviews the growth of the FX trading community inside Equinix data centers and the role it plays in today’s global FX market, looking ahead at how trends may evolve in the future.
Integrating Risk into Pre-Trade Analysis: Practical Ways of Bringing Credit, Liquidity, Funding and Regulatory Costs into an Integrated Profitability Framework
As regulations in the derivatives market continue to be rolled out and implemented, financial institutions face growing pressure on their current business models. To survive and thrivein this new era of derivatives trading, today’s practitioners need to adopt a more integrated and holistic approach…
Buy-side Collateral Management - Challenges and Opportunities
The current pace of regulatory change can seem overwhelming to many buy-side firms trading Derivatives. The move to central clearing of some OTC products has raised a number of new challenges around the collateral management process that buy-side firms must deal with. This paper considers the…
Enhanced Alpha from Operational Efficiency
Innovative technology is all around us, and hedge funds might well questionits value as a differentiator in today’s highly competitive market. But that does not mean there is nothing to be gained from keeping pace with change – to the contrary, rather than relying on new developments to make…
FCA’s Use of Dealing Commission
On 10th July 2014 the FCA issued Discussion Paper 14/31 on the use of dealing commission regime: “Feedback on our thematic supervisory review and policy debate on the market for research”. This Discussion Paper builds on the Consultation Paper CP 13/17: “Consultation on use of dealingcommission…