
300 white papers and resources

Risk Library provides derivatives white papers which consider current issues and thinking, market conditions and how derivatives can be used to their best effect. In Business, a derivative is a form of contract where its value is derived from the value of underlying assets. Derivatives can be used to both hedge risk and for speculation. The most common types of derivatives are futures, options, forwards and swaps.

Charting a Course for a Successful XVA Program

​​​​​​​This white paper explores the XVA business process, considers the delicate balancing act of measuring, managing and optimizing XVA costs, and details a modern XVA methodology approach. It further outlines market perspectives and best practices for navigating through an XVA implementation…

Exposure monitoring in a fully margined world

It is widely accepted that the introduction of bilateral margining requirements for non-cleared OTC derivatives will lead to a reduction in counterparty risk. This paper focuses on the prospect of eliminating counterparty exposure through margining and the implications for credit risk policy makers.