300 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides derivatives white papers which consider current issues and thinking, market conditions and how derivatives can be used to their best effect. In Business, a derivative is a form of contract where its value is derived from the value of underlying assets. Derivatives can be used to both hedge risk and for speculation. The most common types of derivatives are futures, options, forwards and swaps.
FX market structure in flux - The future of FX derivatives markets
This white paper examines the results of a recent survey conducted by FX Week in association with LCH ForexClear. It explores the impact of the financial crisis on FX derivatives, the effectiveness of clearing, compression and optimisation tools in minimising costs, and what lies ahead for FX…
Adapting to Change in the Electronic Fixed Income and OTC Markets: Have We Reached an Inflection Point?
At a recent event hosted by Numerix, capital markets participants gathered in New York to discuss how electronification has influenced and disrupted these multi-trillion-dollar markets. In this article, we report on the key takeaways and perspectives covered during the event.
The Next Crisis Will Be Different - Opportunities to Continue Enhancing Financial Stability 10 Years After Lehman's Insolvency
10 years after Lehman's insolvency, this white paper aims to raise awareness of key risks facing the industry and provides a series of forward-looking opportunities to help strengthen financial stability for the future.
Charting a Course for a Successful XVA Program
This white paper explores the XVA business process, considers the delicate balancing act of measuring, managing and optimizing XVA costs, and details a modern XVA methodology approach. It further outlines market perspectives and best practices for navigating through an XVA implementation…
Exposure monitoring in a fully margined world
It is widely accepted that the introduction of bilateral margining requirements for non-cleared OTC derivatives will lead to a reduction in counterparty risk. This paper focuses on the prospect of eliminating counterparty exposure through margining and the implications for credit risk policy makers.
Initial margin - Preparing for the buy side ‘big bang’
In this video, David White, head of sales at triResolve - part of the NEX Group – discusses the challenges of initial margin (IM) compliance for buy-side firms and how automation can help in the drive for more efficient collateral management processes.
LIBOR Alternative Rates - The Transition and the Future of OTC Derivatives Pricing and Curve Construction
The development of new references rates alternative to LIBOR are expected to have direct consequences for derivatives contracts, particularly for those that do not mature until after 2021. This white paper discusses these issues and the preparations derivatives market participants should consider…
Packing the overnight bag: risk-free rates after Libor
This white paper explores the areas that will most likely be affected by the replacement of Libor with new benchmarks. It further proposes solutions on how to make the transition easier as well as more cost-efficient.
Blockchain in the Derivatives Market: Not to Be Dismissed
This white paper explores the evolution of the distributed ledger technology (DLT) phenomenon as well as its barriers to adoption. It further examines how blockchain can provide organisations with a solution to some of the issues facing the derivatives market.
Why Are Collateral Operations Managers So Focused on Initial Margin?
This white paper examines the need for firms to review their collateral infrastructure. It further defines a list of simplified steps for readying your firm for the implementation of the Initial Margin (IM).