300 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides derivatives white papers which consider current issues and thinking, market conditions and how derivatives can be used to their best effect. In Business, a derivative is a form of contract where its value is derived from the value of underlying assets. Derivatives can be used to both hedge risk and for speculation. The most common types of derivatives are futures, options, forwards and swaps.
The Sensitivity of Interest Rate Products with Embedded Optionality in a Negative Rate World
This white paper explores the new scenarios opened by negative interest rates; the associated risks; and the models organisations can use to account for negative rates.
Prime-of-prime solutions – Sustainable solutions and evaluating means of access to credit in foreign exchange markets
Based on a survey of global FX market participants, this white paper explores the preferences, needs and attitudes clients and the broader FX market have in relation to tiered credit intermediation.
The game changer for collateral management
This white paper outlines the basic building blocks for good collateral management and addresses the impact of new regulation on collateral management. The paper further provides a solution to help organisations adapt to the new regulatory reality.
Making sense of data to ensure trade reporting accuracy
This white paper emphasizes that now is the time to address the extensive inaccuracies in data reporting to ensure data integrity. It further provides an elegant solution to the problem that leverages existing bilateral reconciliation processes and systems.
The Efficiency of Counterparty Netting in OTC Derivatives: How Clearing Solves the Uncleared Margin Puzzle
This white paper considers the margin efficiencies generated by counterparty netting within clearing and by using interest rate swaptions as a worked example, quantifies those margin efficiencies.
The IFF China Report 2016: Insight and opinion from China’s top leaders, policy-makers and financiers
This report, drafted by the International Finance Forum and published in association with Central Banking, provides readers with a unique insight into the inner workings of China's economic development and financial reform.
Probability-Weighted Outcomes Under IFRS 9: A Macroeconomic Approach
This white paper explores how to develop a framework that addresses the probability-weighted aspects of IFRS 9 and answers questions about the practical use of alternative scenarios.
Preparing for The New Impairment Requirements: Practitioner’s View
This white paper discusses the new standards that have been set forth by the FASB and explores how banks should align with the new CECL impairment standards.
Dodd-Frank Position Limits: The Devil is in the Details
Commodity markets can be volatile, so end users routinely hedge the risk that prices will move against them and potentially eliminate some or all of their profit margin.At the same time, speculators with the expertise to spot trends are often willing to take on the risks that hedgers transfer to…
10 Step Guide to Collateral Management
This white paper will cover all fundamental aspects concerning the management of collateral, the associated risks and opportunities, as well as the key topics involved in establishing and running a collateral management function.