Basel III

111 white papers and resources

Risk Library hosts a number of Basel III white papers by leading experts. Use the information resource for the latest industry developments and to ensure that your organisation meets all Basel III requirements. Basel III is the third set of global regulatory requirements agreed upon by members of the Basel Committee. It builds upon Basel I and II by adding new core capital requirements to strengthen a banks position. Banks will now have to hold increased levels of common equity and additional capital butters, including a counter cyclical buffer. A minimum leverage ratio and liquidity ratios are being introduced.

FRTB: a question of strategy for US banks

As pieces of the FRTB puzzle fall into place, the model methodology reshuffle raises new questions for US banks hoping to heed the lessons from their FRTB forerunners in Europe and beyond. This paper explores the key decisions facing US banks as they look to future-proof their FRTB…

Leveraging data in e-FX trading

In a world where electronic trading has infiltrated virtually every aspect of today’s FX market, having access to data and the means to interpret it are fundamental components of a successful e-FX strategy, writes Daniel Chambers, head of Data & Analytics at BidFX.


The scale of the data management effort will depend on the size and geographic spread of a bank’s unrated portfolio, but will likely entail significant time and resources, which is why Fitch Solutions developed an SCRA data offering to meet this need. To help banks understand the challenge, Paul…

FRTB Accelerator

The new implementation date for the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book is January 1, 2023. While U.S. regulators and banks alike are mindful of the impact the Covid pandemic has had on the economy and markets they are still targeting that date.

The role of markets in the Energy Transition

Harnessing the “power of markets” is critical to meeting growing energy demand, while reducing pollution in the most efficient manner possible. Gordon Bennett, Managing Director of Utility Markets at ICE examines the impact of the energy transition on various energy uses, and the role of markets to…