Basel III
111 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a number of Basel III white papers by leading experts. Use the information resource for the latest industry developments and to ensure that your organisation meets all Basel III requirements. Basel III is the third set of global regulatory requirements agreed upon by members of the Basel Committee. It builds upon Basel I and II by adding new core capital requirements to strengthen a banks position. Banks will now have to hold increased levels of common equity and additional capital butters, including a counter cyclical buffer. A minimum leverage ratio and liquidity ratios are being introduced.
A Summary of BCBS Interest Rate Risk in the Banking Book Directive
This white paper summarizes the core Pillar 2 approach of Interest Rate in the Banking Book (IRRBB), and the alternative Pillar 1 approach of IRRBB used by certain banks in a few situations. It also includes a practical approach to implementing IRRBB.
Achieving Optimal IFRS 9 Compliance: Going Beyond Compliance by Optimizing Your Implementation Effort and Financial Impact
This white paper explores the software functionality needed to support optimal IFRS 9 compliance. It further discusses why any steps taken towards IFRS 9 compliance should not be taken in isolation, but rather in the context of existing regulatory pressures.
The IFRS 9 Impairment Model and its Interaction with the Basel Framework
This white paper explores the growing interaction between risk management and accounting in relation to credit risk modelling approaches, capital ratios, and provisions calculations, as well as data management and governance in preparation for IFRS 9.
Are Internal Credit Models for Structured Securities Going Away? An Analysis of the Recent Basel Consultative Document
This white paper focuses on the proposed changes and their implications for calculating credit risk capital, as well as the proposal’s integration with Basel’s other recent revisions and upcoming initiatives. The paper also discusses what next steps are expected with regard to this proposal.
Basel III Standardized Approach to Counterparty Credit Risk (SA-CCR): Adoption and Implementation Status
This white paper provides a brief introduction to the new standardized approach for measuring counterparty credit risk, its expected benefits, and its actual impacts. The paper further details the potential difficulties associated with its implementation and the current status of its adoption in…
Liquidity Optimization: Building a Liquidity Risk Framework for Competitive Advantage
This white paper will provide financial institutions guidance on how to manage, monitor and optimize liquidity. The paper further addresses why organisations should implement key risk indicators to help provide a holistic view of liquidity.
The 10 greatest challenges and pitfalls when designing and implementing SA-CCR
This white paper explores the greatest challenges financial institutions will face when implementing SA-CCR.
Reading the Tea Leaves of Recent Regulatory Guidance
This white paper will explore the Federal Reserve’s “Guidance on Supervisory Assessment of Capital Planning and Positions” (SR 15-18 and SR 15-19). The paper further examines the BCBS’s “Guidance on Credit Risk and Accounting for Expected Credit Losses”.
Fundamental Review of the Trading Book: Impacts & Market Perspectives
This white paper analyses the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book (FRTB), covering its origins, responsibilities and priorities. The paper further identifies how market participants interpret the reform and examines some of the FRTB’s key issues.
Risk-Weighted Assets (RWA) density | What lies behind this underrated financial ratio
This white paper will cover the origins of the Risk-Weighted Assets ratio and the history of its use in financial analysis. The paper will further showcase its characteristics and behavioural traits, exemplified through a number of theoretical tests.