Enterprise Risk Management
299 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a wide range of enterprise risk management white papers and analyst reports by leading experts, providing a valuable information resource which can be used to limit your organisation’s risk exposure and help utilise any opportunities which may arise. Risk Library defines enterprise risk management (ERM) as the processes of managing risks that may deter a company from achieving its objectives. ERM is the integrated framework that helps a business identifying, assesses, organise, and plan activities to strengthen its position. It encompasses regulation, issues relating to internal control and strategic planning, amongst others.
Global Bankruptcy Report 2017
This white paper explores the Global Bankruptcy Report, which represents world-wide trends of organisational insolvency. It provides in-depth analysis on 38 countries, individually and as separate regions to provide an index of real international economic conditions.
The Evolution of the Modern Finance Leader
This white paper explores the continued evolution of the Finance Leader role to some of the perils and pitfalls that may lie ahead. The paper further shines a light on the issues that will shape the future of the finance function within the modern enterprise.
A complete perspective - Managing and monitoring a single view of concentration risk
This white paper explores managing and monitoring a single view of concentrated risk. It examines the need for tools that can streamline credit risk management systems and create a single enterprise-wide view of risk as an early warning system against future crises.
Mitigate Model Risk and Reduce Model-Related Costs
This white paper explores approaches to model risk management and its challenges. The paper provides a solution to help organisations better manage model risk by establishing risk mitigation and cost reduction strategies..
The financial paradigm shift – The risk management and performance challenge
This white paper examines how well firms are managing portfolios given the data, tools and techniques they are currently using, as well as their level of preparedness for sudden shifts in the investment landscape.
Third-Party Risk Management - How to successfully mitigate your organisation's third-party risk
This white paper addresses organisational approaches to third party risk management and due diligence. The paper is full of insight, advice and examples to help organizations recognize and address their third-party risk.
The Sensitivity of Interest Rate Products with Embedded Optionality in a Negative Rate World
This white paper explores the new scenarios opened by negative interest rates; the associated risks; and the models organisations can use to account for negative rates.
Operational risk in financial services – Navigating risk management challenges in an uncertain world
This research analyses the findings from a recent survey that polled senior risk, compliance and legal professionals about current trends in risk management and governance. The paper addresses the emerging regulatory, risk and technological threats affecting many of today’s organisations.
Financial Services Whistleblowing Regulation Survey – Assessing the impact of the FCA/PRA senior managers regime whistleblowing rules
This white paper examines organisational approaches to whistleblowing and incident reporting. The paper provides findings, analysis and recommendations into the impact of the new whistleblowing rules issued by the Financial Conduct Authority and the Prudential Regulation Authority.
Liquidity Risk Innovations for Competitive Advantage - Battling the Build vs. Buy Dilemma
This white paper explores how organisations can enhance liquidity risk management through innovation and examines the build vs buy dilemma.