Enterprise Risk Management
299 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a wide range of enterprise risk management white papers and analyst reports by leading experts, providing a valuable information resource which can be used to limit your organisation’s risk exposure and help utilise any opportunities which may arise. Risk Library defines enterprise risk management (ERM) as the processes of managing risks that may deter a company from achieving its objectives. ERM is the integrated framework that helps a business identifying, assesses, organise, and plan activities to strengthen its position. It encompasses regulation, issues relating to internal control and strategic planning, amongst others.
Fighting financial crime: It's time to think differently
This white paper discusses how effective financial crime prevention can not only mitigate the risk of threats to an organization and to its customers, but how it can also provide additional benefits such as operational efficiency and improved customer experience.
Making Sense of Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)
This white paper will break down the new MAR rules set by the EU, and will look at ways financial organisations from the buy side can develop a response to the EU’s Market Abuse Regulation.
Creating business value: Measuring the return of improved data management
This detailed survey of C-level executives, risk managers and data management professionals highlights the huge value that can be gained from more effective data governance and management.
IFRS 9 Analytical and Reporting Solutions for Structured Finance
This white paper will set out the specific challenges that investors in structured finance face and guidelines for effective solutions to help address these challenges.
In Search of a Single Version of the Truth: Adopting a Universal Data Model
This white paper explains how firms can normalize their internal data collection processes – and retain the flexibility they need to support the finance and risk functions, and business activities across the enterprise – by adopting a universal data model.
Benchmark your Whistleblowing Hotline Against EMEA & APAC Organisations: Where Do You Rank?
The webinar will explore the new trends for reporting your whistleblowing hotline and discovers benchmarks you can use to evaluate your own results.
10 Step Guide to Collateral Management
This white paper will cover all fundamental aspects concerning the management of collateral, the associated risks and opportunities, as well as the key topics involved in establishing and running a collateral management function.
Understanding the Riskiness of A GLWB Rider For FIAs
This white paper assesses the risk associated with a GLWB rider for FIAs and analyses how different modelling choices can affect these risks. In Particular, the impacts of improving the estimate of future caps will be explored.
Data integrity for MiFID II
This white paper explores the differences between the orignal MiFID I and the new MiFID II; the challenges financial institutions will face; and who is responsible for trade reporting under the new regulation
‘Finalized,’ but Far from the Finish Line – Preparing for the Next Evolution of FRTB
This white paper breaks down the requirements, methodologies and formulas relating to the 'final' FRTB text. It further provides a more simplified understanding of the potential IT challenges and costs ahead.