Enterprise Risk Management
299 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a wide range of enterprise risk management white papers and analyst reports by leading experts, providing a valuable information resource which can be used to limit your organisation’s risk exposure and help utilise any opportunities which may arise. Risk Library defines enterprise risk management (ERM) as the processes of managing risks that may deter a company from achieving its objectives. ERM is the integrated framework that helps a business identifying, assesses, organise, and plan activities to strengthen its position. It encompasses regulation, issues relating to internal control and strategic planning, amongst others.
The Changing Face of Risk Management in the New Regulatory Environment
The precarious recovery from the global recession and fiscal tightening in the western world has caused volatility in financial markets to rise sharply. This white paper discusses the imperative for banks to strengthen their risk management frameworks.
An introduction to the Russell UK Mid 150 Index
This paper describes the current state of UK mid-cap indexing and gives an overview of how the Russell UK Mid 150 Index will help provide larger capacity, quicker trading than of existing products in the marketplace.
Controlled Chaos: Managing the Uncertainties of Renewables in Europe
Producers, system operators and traders in power markets are facing multidimensional challenges in forecasting, optimization, trading, risk management and structural changes caused by the rise of renewables in the European power grid.
Webinar: Emerging risks in cyber security - Ready to download
Our latest webinar: Emerging risks in cyber security.
Cyber Security Intelligence Index - Analysis of Cyber Security attack and incident data
Find out what you can do to understand current threats and the cyber security landscape as a whole. This index will be updated on a regular basis throughout the year and can serve as a valuable tool for your business.
Sophisticated attacks - The four things you can do now to help keep your organisation safe
In this paper we'll discuss the four proactive steps that you can - and should - take now to help keep your organisation safe.
Avoiding Collateral Surprises: Managing Multi-Currency CSAs and Cheapest-to-Deliver (CTD) Curve Construction
This article explores the embedded optionality of multi-currency CSAs and the related challenges financial practitioners are facing in terms of collateral management and optimization.
Collateral Discounting: Rethinking the Interest Rate Pricing Framework from its Basic Concepts
This article examines how a swap portfolio’s value differs under the single and multi-curve approaches at four different snapshots in time―including pre-crisis, at the height of the crisis, post-crisis and today.
Hedging CVA and DVA
This paper illustrates the challenges and complexities financial institutions face in hedging Credit Valuation Adjustment (CVA) and Debit Valuation Adjustment (DVA) in the present market and regulatory environment.
Investigation Management for Insurance: Catch More Fraud More Efficiently
This white paper covers the ways in which insurers are embracing enterprise investigation management technology, describes the characteristics of best-in-class platforms, and concludes with an overview of IBM’s approach to enabling insurers to be more effective and efficient with their fraud…