Enterprise Risk Management
299 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a wide range of enterprise risk management white papers and analyst reports by leading experts, providing a valuable information resource which can be used to limit your organisation’s risk exposure and help utilise any opportunities which may arise. Risk Library defines enterprise risk management (ERM) as the processes of managing risks that may deter a company from achieving its objectives. ERM is the integrated framework that helps a business identifying, assesses, organise, and plan activities to strengthen its position. It encompasses regulation, issues relating to internal control and strategic planning, amongst others.
Adopting risk-management processes
Research indicates that more and more businesses will adopt a holistic approach to risk management as they deal with growing economic uncertainty. Read this paper to learn how to establish a comprehensive risk management strategy that encompasses policies for overcoming each of these issues.
Financial institutions at risk
Issues under consideration in this white paper include the regulatory landscape, guidance on hidden relationships and networks, and how to identify them. It looks at why financial institutions need to address these problems, and the roles of personnel and technology in the effort to combat money…
Broadland District Council selects Asset4000 from RAM to improve audit trail and meet key legislation
This case study shows how Broadland District Council, a Norfolk authority, selected Asset4000 from Real Asset Management (RAM) to control its £7m worth of assets in line with the Statement of Recommended Practice (SoRP) and IFRS legislation.
Building a responsive enterprise: One step at a time
In an ever-changing business environment with rapid changes in regulations, competitors and more, enterprises must become more responsive. This paper focuses on the role of decisions in delivering a responsive enterprise.
The keys to making financial services more responsive
A responsive enterprise needs to be able to see clearly what’s about to happen, assess the impact of what is happening and rapidly respond.
How NHS Foundation Trust improves accuracy and controls £180 million asset base with integrated capital accounting solution
This case study looks at how a large NHS Foundation Trust improved the accuracy of its asset register and depreciation forecasts, as well as facilitating greater communication and transparency with other departments across the Trust.
The problems with generally used interpolation spaces
In a world increasingly focused on effective enterprise-level risk management, there are notable discrepancies in volatility management techniques. Murex proposes a cross-asset interpolation space with potentially significant risk management impacts.
Bridging the gap between strategy and execution
To close the gap between strategy and execution, companies should build strategic alignment acoss the business. This paper discusses how businesses can implement these best practices using strategy management software.
Selecting business software for financial organisations
Choosing and implementing a new financial software package is a major decision for thousands of organizations. This guide provides a valuable insight into what you need to know, from initial research to the impact it will have on your organization and staff, both short term and in the future
3 steps to accelerating cash flow
This paper looks at tangible ways to streamline, automate, and prioritise the financial supply chain.