Enterprise Risk Management
299 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a wide range of enterprise risk management white papers and analyst reports by leading experts, providing a valuable information resource which can be used to limit your organisation’s risk exposure and help utilise any opportunities which may arise. Risk Library defines enterprise risk management (ERM) as the processes of managing risks that may deter a company from achieving its objectives. ERM is the integrated framework that helps a business identifying, assesses, organise, and plan activities to strengthen its position. It encompasses regulation, issues relating to internal control and strategic planning, amongst others.
Ta Chong Bank Transforms Legacy Operations in Record Time, Positions Bank to Compete in Global Markets
Ta Chong Bank Transforms Legacy Operations in Record Time, Positions Bank to Compete in Global Markets.
Bank of Scotland - a case study in cash management
Discover how Bank of Scotland automated their Payments and Receipts processing to create a centralised process management hub that delivers greater operational control, lower costs whilst improving customer service.
Case Study - Alide Plant Improves Productivity with Latest Financial Management Systems
Alide Plant Services is an independent tool and small plant hire outlet based in the South West. Alide Plant employs 32 people across two locations - Bath and Bristol being the main office.
Exploring the new landscape for SME FDs
This paper examines the current landscape for SMEs and explores the specific skills and resources that FDs need in order to drive growth for SMEs and boost their contribution to the economy in 2008.
Managing 21st Century business and Technology Innovation
The payments industry is changing as competitive pressures, regulatory burdens and customer entitlements increase.This paper shows how the IBM System z can be an indispensable asset to financial institutions confronting payments challenges today.
Skechers deploy accounts payable application to achieve process efficiency and compliance
Skechers rolled out an accounts payable solution from an ECM (Enterprise Content Management) vendor to achieve global synchronisation, efficiency and legal compliance, while reducing costs.
Making Enterprise Business Intelligence Work
The business intelligence environment today is fragmented. As a result it is difficult to get a unified view of the entire enterprise, which in turn causes risk. There are discrepancies in the reports/insight derived from the fragmented systems as every system has its own way of interpreting the…
Case Study: Counting the cost of NHS investment - the need for a fixed asset management solution
Foundation Trusts need to improve investment accountability throughout a capital expenditure project. However, these organisations also need to monitor capital expenditure to ensure that accurate forecasts can be made for the capitalisation of assets and the future effects on capital charging.
Exploring an integrative records management approach
This white paper explores an integrative records management approach and how it can lead to enhanced competitiveness, more agility to meet specific customer needs, minimised legal risks, and higher profits.
The Challenges facing today's CEOs - Unlocking the Enterprise of the Future
What will the enterprise of the future look like? To answer that question, IBM spoke with more than 1,000 CEOs from around the world. These conversations, together with the statistical and financial analyses, provide a unique perspective on the future of the enterprise.