Risk Management
890 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides a selection of risk management white papers which address key questions which can be used in reducing the dangers for your organisation faces and how to utilise any opportunities which may ensue to their maximum capability. Risk management is the assessment and mitigation of risks which have arisen by changes on a local or global scale. Risk management may involve realising opportunities that have resulted from these changes. Within the context of the Risk Library, risk management has been defined under asset liability management, credit risk, enterprise risk management, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk and settlement risk.
Cognitive GRC - bringing the value to governance, risk and compliance
This white paper explores the emergence of cognitive GRC platforms and explains how it can help companies out-think risk and anticipate regulation with centralized solutions that engage and empower people all across the business.
Making sense of data to ensure trade reporting accuracy
This white paper emphasizes that now is the time to address the extensive inaccuracies in data reporting to ensure data integrity. It further provides an elegant solution to the problem that leverages existing bilateral reconciliation processes and systems.
The IFRS 9 Impairment Model and its Interaction with the Basel Framework
This white paper explores the growing interaction between risk management and accounting in relation to credit risk modelling approaches, capital ratios, and provisions calculations, as well as data management and governance in preparation for IFRS 9.
Winning the face-off against fraud: How the most effective financial institutions are outthinking the bad guys
This white paper breaks down financial crime and addresses the challenges today’s institutions face in fighting these crimes. It further identifies current capabilities, successes and best practices in controlling financial crime.
The path to compliance: Unwinding the insurance industry’s regulatory requirements
This white paper provides insight from a range of experts on how insurance firms can address the new regulatory landscape, and how they are approaching reporting and risk management in the wider context of current market conditions.
A new way forward: The impact of cognitive technology on the investment management industry
This white paper examines the current adoption level of cognitive computing solutions among investment management firms. It further explores how first-mover organisations are planning to take the next steps towards full implementation.
Maximizing Stress Testing Investment: Strategic Capital Analysis
This white paper focuses on initiatives to enhance regulatory compliance and explores how organisations can use new tools to expand key performance metric forecasting under various economic conditions, to guide and optimize business strategy.
Are Internal Credit Models for Structured Securities Going Away? An Analysis of the Recent Basel Consultative Document
This white paper focuses on the proposed changes and their implications for calculating credit risk capital, as well as the proposal’s integration with Basel’s other recent revisions and upcoming initiatives. The paper also discusses what next steps are expected with regard to this proposal.
Agriculture: An industry ripe for disruption
This white paper discusses the three major challenges naturally materializing for companies in the agricultural industry; asset optimization, price volatility and risk management. The paper further explains how firms are taking advantage of technology to leverage the disruption in agriculture.
How dirty money moves: What you can do to fight the latest evolution of money laundering
This 2 part report lays out the current situation ‘how dirty money moves’ and ‘the fight against money laundering’. Find out how to fight this evolving threat and how we can work together towards a mutual objective: making it as difficult as possible for criminals to profit from their crimes.