Risk Management
890 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides a selection of risk management white papers which address key questions which can be used in reducing the dangers for your organisation faces and how to utilise any opportunities which may ensue to their maximum capability. Risk management is the assessment and mitigation of risks which have arisen by changes on a local or global scale. Risk management may involve realising opportunities that have resulted from these changes. Within the context of the Risk Library, risk management has been defined under asset liability management, credit risk, enterprise risk management, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk and settlement risk.
Top 10 strategies to improve efficiency in complex reporting
This white paper outlines 10 strategies to help improve the efficiency of your reporting processes.
Probability-Weighted Outcomes Under IFRS 9: A Macroeconomic Approach
This white paper explores how to develop a framework that addresses the probability-weighted aspects of IFRS 9 and answers questions about the practical use of alternative scenarios.
Preparing for The New Impairment Requirements: Practitioner’s View
This white paper discusses the new standards that have been set forth by the FASB and explores how banks should align with the new CECL impairment standards.
In Search of a Single Version of the Truth: Adopting a Universal Data Model
This white paper explains how firms can normalize their internal data collection processes – and retain the flexibility they need to support the finance and risk functions, and business activities across the enterprise – by adopting a universal data model.
Dodd-Frank Position Limits: The Devil is in the Details
Commodity markets can be volatile, so end users routinely hedge the risk that prices will move against them and potentially eliminate some or all of their profit margin.At the same time, speculators with the expertise to spot trends are often willing to take on the risks that hedgers transfer to…
Implementing an IFRS 9 Solution: Challenges Faced by Financial Institutions
This white paper provides an overview of the new standard and analyses the major challenges financial institutions will face in ensuring compliance.
Benchmark your Whistleblowing Hotline Against EMEA & APAC Organisations: Where Do You Rank?
The webinar will explore the new trends for reporting your whistleblowing hotline and discovers benchmarks you can use to evaluate your own results.
10 Step Guide to Collateral Management
This white paper will cover all fundamental aspects concerning the management of collateral, the associated risks and opportunities, as well as the key topics involved in establishing and running a collateral management function.
Quantification of End User Computing Risk in Financial Services
This report details the risks associated with End User Computing (EUC), as well as the potential consequences to financial institutions. It further discusses the importance of a quantified approach to EUC risk.
Understanding the Riskiness of A GLWB Rider For FIAs
This white paper assesses the risk associated with a GLWB rider for FIAs and analyses how different modelling choices can affect these risks. In Particular, the impacts of improving the estimate of future caps will be explored.