Risk Management
890 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides a selection of risk management white papers which address key questions which can be used in reducing the dangers for your organisation faces and how to utilise any opportunities which may ensue to their maximum capability. Risk management is the assessment and mitigation of risks which have arisen by changes on a local or global scale. Risk management may involve realising opportunities that have resulted from these changes. Within the context of the Risk Library, risk management has been defined under asset liability management, credit risk, enterprise risk management, liquidity risk, market risk, operational risk and settlement risk.
Fraud analytics for financial services
Given the speed at which fraud is perpetrated, financial services businesses increasingly need to detect and halt fraud in minutes, rather than hours or days, putting the lid on fraud while ensuring the customer relationships aren’t jeopardised through erroneous denials of legitimate transactions.
The ultimate risk – flawed liquidity risk management
As the global financial services industry digests Dodd-Frank, Basel III, European bank stress tests and the inexplicable ‘flash crash’ that downed Dow Jones 700 points in minutes, the question is where to now?
The fight against financial crime – a post-crisis response
Norkom’s fourth annual market intelligence survey shows evidence of an emergence from the recessionary mood of the past year. Norkom’s David Dixon reveals the traction achieved by global financial institutions in the fight against financial crime in a post-crisis world.
A three-dimensional approach to performance
This white paper outlines the analytic challenges facing Financial services organisations and provides a clear path to providing the accelerated insight needed to perform in today's complex business environment to reduce risk, stop fraud and increase profits.
Building a responsive enterprise: One step at a time
In an ever-changing business environment with rapid changes in regulations, competitors and more, enterprises must become more responsive. This paper focuses on the role of decisions in delivering a responsive enterprise.
The keys to making financial services more responsive
A responsive enterprise needs to be able to see clearly what’s about to happen, assess the impact of what is happening and rapidly respond.
Riding the innovation wave – managing the risk of financial crime
Creativity is an essential ingredient of a successful and growing business, and financial institutions are no exception. However, also riding the crest of the innovation wave are criminal organisations with the technical sophistication to exploit weaknesses in new products and services, while…
Counterparty credit risk in portfolio risk management
Prominent financial institution failures reminded market participants that over-the-counter derivatives bring counterparty credit risk. UBS Delta is providing tools for clients to measure counterparty exposure alongside other investment risk.
How NHS Foundation Trust improves accuracy and controls £180 million asset base with integrated capital accounting solution
This case study looks at how a large NHS Foundation Trust improved the accuracy of its asset register and depreciation forecasts, as well as facilitating greater communication and transparency with other departments across the Trust.
Tips of the trade
A panel of experts was convened for this virtual roundtable, sponsored by Sybase, in which they discuss the challenges facing financial institutions in meeting new liquidity regulations and share some tips for best practice in stress-testing a liquidity risk framework.