123 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides a number of technology infrastructure white papers, industry reports and opinions
Financial crime: The sum of the parts is greater than the whole
This white paper discusses five common pitfalls of financial crime prevention and looks at ways to strategically approach it. The paper further explains the benefits of applying a strategic approach to financial crime prevention.
Aligning Risk Appetite with Strategic Decision Making
This white paper examines how the economic capital framework can be used as a component of an integrated capital management framework to make financial risk management decisions and manage the shortcomings of regulatory capital.
AnaCredit Gives Banks an Opportunity to Improve Data Management, but Challenges Remain
This white paper explores the requirements of AnaCredit and discusses key challenges such as missing data, aggregating information and establishing a robust reporting system.
An Enhanced Liquidity Risk Management Framework for Banks
This white paper shows the advantages of including internal behavioural models into an institution’s liquidity risk management practices to enhance returns and exploit competitive advantages related to their balance sheet composition, funding structure, and business model.
Pursuing the ideal reference data utility: Best responses to business drivers and management complexities
This special report includes a virtual roundtable by thought leading professionals, drawing on the latest and most relevant news. The report also gives an in-depth insight into a new approach to reference data management.
AML in Asia: Future-proof strategies for a time of flux
This white paper discusses how compliance to AML regulation is becoming an increasing force in Asia-Pacific countries and the possible challenges that financial institutions may endure.
Partially cloudy: the benefits of hybrid deployment models
Financial institutions today are finding their businesses becoming increasingly heterogeneous and, in response, are seeking greater flexibility in their risk management systems and practices.
A New Approach: Assessing Data Management Practices and Current Demand for a Reference Data Utility
Solving issues relating to data quality and timeliness should be the top priority for an industry-led reference data utility, according to nearly half of the respondents to a recent WatersTechnology survey sponsored by SmartStream Technologies.
The De-Risking Dilemma
Wholesale de-risking by financial institutions may seem like a viable compliance strategy when dealing with certain customers, but in the long-term may cause more harm than good.
The ideal reference data utility
This video provides an insight into a recent survey conducted in August 2015 by WatersTechnology and sponsored by SmartStream that polled reference data operations professionals about the ideal utility. The survey explored issues such as how organizations choose a reference data utility.