123 white papers and resources
Risk Library provides a number of technology infrastructure white papers, industry reports and opinions
Setting Out the Business Case for AI and Machine Learning Adoption
This white paper identifies business functions within the investment management industry that are either already underpinned by AI and machine learning technology, or that practitioners believe will benefit from the implementation of such technologies. It further examines the opportunities and…
Facing the future - Developing a response to regulatory change
This white paper discusses the steps to enabling full compliance with current regulations in Asia-Pacific. It further examines the challenges associated with new regulations and establishing a robust framework to respond to future regulatory change.
AI Best Practices in Financial Services
This white paper offers detailed insights on how firms successfully approach and adopt artificial intelligence. It further explores how organizations are using AI today and what AI capabilities are expected to add the most value in the next three to five years.
Cloud risk management requires a shift to the continuous compliance mindset
This white paper examines how a comprehensive review of a firm’s GRC framework can help deliver enhanced reporting and transparency, increasing the pace of innovation and adoption.
Blockchain—Next Steps on a Journey
How will today’s market infrastructure and data processing providers react to ledgers—the very innovation that, some evangelists say, could ultimately subsume them? This white paper explores the latest developments.
Top 5 Triggers for Insider Trading: Leveraging Behavioural Science for Forensic Analysis
This white paper explores how behavioural science technology can cut through data to help identify insider trading. It further examines how technology can identify suspicious trading, so teams can avoid the waves of false positives that occur from using systems which rely on mathematical models.
A Guide to Assessing Cloud IT Economics
As you implement your cloud strategy, you need to shape your choices with full understanding of the impact on budget, resources, and productivity. In this brief, we walk through the cost- and performance-impacting elements you need to consider in your decision, including some that may surprise you.
Advantages of Leveraging VMware Solutions
This white paper highlights the advantages of leveraging VMware solutions on an IBM Cloud platform. It further explores the benefits of cloud economics and cloud infrastructure, while continuing to use the same tools, resources, and capabilities of current, on-premises VMware deployments.
Adaptiv FRTB Risk Aggregation
This white paper examines how organisations can deliver rich risk aggregation solutions that target requirements such as FRTB. It further explores how Adaptive FRTB Risk Aggregation is built for purpose, to manage the high data volumes and risk aggregation analytics of FRTB calculations.
How IFRS 9 can unite risk and accounting - Regulatory information brief (Part I)
This white paper explores how IFRS 9 can unite risk and accounting. It further examines how ensuring effective communication and collaboration will be key to achieving this and for getting the best from the new standard.