Foreign Exchange
76 white papers and resources
The Risk Library provides white papers on current thinking, modelling and best practice in foreign exchange which will show how foreign exchange can be used to your organisation’s best advantage. Foreign exchange is the exchange or conversion of one currency into another currency. The global foreign exchange markets are exponential in size and are trading constantly.
Intraday Volatility Forecast For Dax, Euro Stoxx 50 and Euro-Bund
The capacity to forecast volatility – a key input for trading algorithms and risk methodologies – is enormously valuable for traders. November sees Deutsche Börse launch a new analytic that forecasts the direction and magnitude of volatility.
Trading in FX an Equinix Series Part Three: The Equinix FX Ecosystems
This third and final part of the series reviews the growth of the FX trading community inside Equinix data centers and the role it plays in today’s global FX market, looking ahead at how trends may evolve in the future.
Trading in FX an Equinix Series Part Two: Innovations and Trends
This second part looks look at some of the latest innovations and trends in the market and how firms are capitalizing on technology to give themselves and their customers a competitive advantage.
Trading in FX – Series Part One: Current Market Overview, Challenges and Opportunities
The global foreign exchange (FX) market has enjoyed a period of sustained growth in the last ten years, from around $2 trillion average daily turnover in 2004 totoday’s levels of around $5.3 trillion.
Risk Books: High-Frequency Trading Extract
This is the survival guide for trading in a world where high-frequency trading predominates in markets, accounting for upwards of 60% of trading in equities and futures, and 40% in foreign exchange.
A rainbow of Asian opportunity
Investors seeking diversification with flexibility should consider sector-based exchange-traded funds that concentrate on rapidly growing companies in developing Asia, according to Roger Liu at Mirae Asset Global Investments.