Basel III
111 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a number of Basel III white papers by leading experts. Use the information resource for the latest industry developments and to ensure that your organisation meets all Basel III requirements. Basel III is the third set of global regulatory requirements agreed upon by members of the Basel Committee. It builds upon Basel I and II by adding new core capital requirements to strengthen a banks position. Banks will now have to hold increased levels of common equity and additional capital butters, including a counter cyclical buffer. A minimum leverage ratio and liquidity ratios are being introduced.
How is regulatory stress-testing shaping the future for banks?
Out of the shortcomings exposed in banks’ traditional risk managementprocesses during the recent global financial crisis, comes the critical need for improvement. Although the list of needed repairs is long and growing, one particular high-profile risk management requirement is subject to…
Future Trends in Optimisation Collateral, Regulatory Capital & CCP Selection
Financial firms are currently experiencing significant regulatory and cost pressures. This is leading to a search for ways to optimize various aspects of trade types that involve some level of counterparty credit risk (derivatives, securities lending, repo). This paper looks at the different types…
Key risk data aggregation architecture required for Basel III compliance
Representing a sea-change for the financial sector, The BaselCommittee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has focused on strengthening risk data aggregation and reporting capabilities at key financial institutions. The resulting paper, Principles for effective risk data aggregation and risk reporting…
Webinar - Collateral and counterparty tracking - the practical challenges of the new margin regime for non-cleared trades.
FREE webinar: 'Collateral and counterparty tracking: The practical challenges of the new margin regime for non-cleared trades.'
Nonbank SIFIs: No solace for US asset managers
This Regulatory Brief analyses the OFR report and the Consultative Document, and concludes with our continued view that the council will propose a few large asset managers for designation.
The optimization of everything: OTC derivatives, counterparty credit risk and funding
The global financial crisis has created much excitement over counterparty credit risk (CCR) and, in recognition of this, banks have been improving their practices around CCR. Download this white paper to find out more.
CCAR and Beyond - Capital Assessment, Stress Testing and Applications
Following the global financial crisis, the Comprehensive Capital Analysis Review – CCAR – has emerged in the US as the most dominant regulatory regime to face banks in recent years: banks must be able to prove to regulators that they have sufficient capital to weather a severe economic downturn.
Developing a strong risk appetite program - challenges and solutions
This paper describes several challenges associated with risk appetite program development, technical constraints associated with implementation and some commonly deployed solutions.
The global challenge of liquidity: compliance to business advantage
In this new report, we examine why liquidity is so challenging and the steps banks around the world will need to take, not just to survive but to gain a competitive advantage.
The architecture of next-generation intraday liquidity risk management
The financial crisis of 2007 — 2008, and the sustained volatility and spikes in systemic liquidity risk in the years since. This paper explores potential risk solutions to this challenge.