Basel III
111 white papers and resources
Risk Library hosts a number of Basel III white papers by leading experts. Use the information resource for the latest industry developments and to ensure that your organisation meets all Basel III requirements. Basel III is the third set of global regulatory requirements agreed upon by members of the Basel Committee. It builds upon Basel I and II by adding new core capital requirements to strengthen a banks position. Banks will now have to hold increased levels of common equity and additional capital butters, including a counter cyclical buffer. A minimum leverage ratio and liquidity ratios are being introduced.
Emerging Themes 2015 Another turbulent year for financial regulation
2015 is set to be another turbulent year for the financial services industry, especially for those working in UK banks. Few would disagree that there needs to be a significant improvement in banking standards or that bankers should be remunerated in a way that incentivises good behaviour and does…
Selecting the right cybercrime-prevention solution
This white paper discusses key considerations and best practices to help organizations achieve effective and sustainable cybercrime prevention.
The Legal Risk Challenge Widens
In-house counsels tasked with managing legal risk have interesting times ahead. The new European Banking Authority rules may strain resources, and force a review of legal-risk categories and risk models.
Unlocking FATCA and CRS
At the end of October 2014, the UK and 50 other countries from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) signed up to the Common Reporting Standard (CRS). Governments have committed to implement automatic exchange of tax information in 2017. CRS: A Game-Changer CRS is…
The Basel Committee’s BCBS239 principles: A Single Source of Truth
Banks need to anticipate problems and need a single source of truth to do so.Data aggregation is a well-known and well understood challenge in the banking industry. The investment to improve IT infrastructure, data integrity and completeness, together with reporting capabilities can be vast.
GRC Maturity: From Disorganized to Integrated Risk and Performance
Success in today’s dynamic business environment requires organizations to integrate, build and support business processes with an enterprise view of governance, risk management and compliance (GRC). Without an integrated view of risk and compliance, the scattered and nonintegrated approaches of the…
Trading in FX an Equinix Series Part Two: Innovations and Trends
This second part looks look at some of the latest innovations and trends in the market and how firms are capitalizing on technology to give themselves and their customers a competitive advantage.
Optimizing the Capital Ratio under Basel III
Basel III stresses the integration between liquidity and credit risk, and the need to manage both from an enterprise-wide risk-management context. This demands a new enterprise-wide organization of tasks, processes, and calculation infrastructure, specifically in terms of systemsintegration, data…
Learn the Fundamentals of Managing Liquidity Under US Basel III Webinar
The developments in liquidity management regulations present significant challenges to organizations covered by US Basel III. Watch this webinar, to understand: The key aspects of the U.S. Basel III liquidity regulations. The critical challenges in implementing the liquidity elements of U.S. Basel…
Adapting Financial Institutions’ Liquidity Risk Management Framework to the New Regulatory Environment
This whitepaper reviews the fundamental changes of Liquidity Risk Management under Basel III. It discusses how institutions can meet the regulatory requirements on liquidity risk management by enhancing their liquidity risk analytics, funds transfer pricing methodologies, liquidity stress testing…